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    My name is John Carter. And this is my story.
    Just like any other tale. You wouldn't believe what had happened to your beloved protagonist. From the ruined life of Othello to the fruitful life of Phillip Pirrip. I had no idea that my life could change from being a monochromatic picture, to a vivid portrayal of my own values. And it was all because I fell in love with the right woman.

JANUARY, 1885.

        Zia had come back to her cottage in the countryside. Dressed as a masked vigilante, she called herself the ' Lady of the Dark'. She was only active in the wake of the night. As her name suggests. But they were some exceptions during the light of day.

' I know you're in here John, what brings you here to the outskirts of Relik? We usually intersect at Melisa. You couldn't wait much longer?' She gave a devilish smile as she removed her mask and looked at me.

I stood up and walked to her.

' Your father disowned me from the Cult because I'm in love with you Zia. And I have no regret in every choice that I've made to end up where I am.'

' Oh my God I am so sorry'

' Don't please, I'm glad I'm with you. No matter the situation...' I cut her short.

' Well, you may stay here with me. As long as you agree with the fight for change in this city.' I was waiting for the situation to get harder, and there it was.

' Zia, I...'

' Don't you want to make this place a better place for your people?' She cut me short too.

' And if I choose not to help the people who despised me?' She stroked my cheek as her emerald eyes gazed into mine.

' It's time to let go, John. I know it's easier said than done but that is not going to determine  whether they have a chance to be treated humanely or not.'

' And why would you ask me out of everyone?' I had to take a seat.

She knelt down before me, maintaining the staring game.

' Tell me, who would understand the pain they are going through more than you?'

' God...' I was out of words but I wasn't out of love.

' John please.' She started to plead.

It was more serious than I thought.

' Alright, I'll do it. I'll fight for a better tomorrow.' A few months into this new life and I felt more than being reborn, I felt an emotional euphoria in my soul.

' I know the reason for everything we are doing but why do we even do this? Pardon me...' I asked in curiosity on one spring morning.

' I believe in the man known as Redemption, if he is a man at all. What he's doing for the world is more than a blessing. I am doing what someone like him would do, use your advantages to help those in a disadvantage.' I was still trying to understand the morality of being a heroic figure in society. 

We could have settled in this countryside and lived here for the rest of our lives. Was it worth the sacrifice? Before I could reply to her, there was a great explosion in the country fields. Zia and I rushed out to view the scene. I've seen many things in my life, but nothing like that...

' We have to get out of this place, we have to head to the city!' Zia was in a panic to see what seemed to be a fleet of crafts in the air deploying armoured men-like creatures to the fields.

They were firing at the locals with weapons that looked out of this world. That could've been the end of the world. Every target evaporated into thin air right before our eyes.

' What are you waiting for? Get onto a horse and let's go!' She was yelling at me as I was stuck on the spot in shock of what was in the spectacle, so many lives taken. Not to mention the fleet was drawing closer to our cottage.

I soon came back to earth and jumped onto my horse, Winkle.

            With a sense of what was happening, our horses galloped for their lives. Even if you were on the finest mustang, you couldn't escape the reach of the terrifying fleet of alien men.  Whatever they were.

' They're getting closer, I don't want to die Chikondi! You're all that I have!'

' I'll make sure nothing happens to you, I'll give you my word Zia!'. The city was on our site, I could see our safety.

But the storm was right on our tails, literally. Zia called out my name, and let her hand out to me. The shape of her palm to the placement of her fingers, just like Vladmir. The handshake that changed my life. I stretched out my hand to her hand and locked hers in mine whilst we were riding. Her eyes were drowning in tears. One of the armoured foes had reached for her horse, and at that brief moment when it pointed its   firearm at Zia. Within that whisker of time, I jumped off Winkle and pushed her off her saddle.

           I evaporated from existence...well so it seemed. And as said before, once I shook her hand, my life changed after I let go of it.


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