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The weekend- SZA

"Just a little extra help." Y/n watched with narrowed eyes as a group of students entered the auditorium.

"We don't need any help." She said, looking up at her friend, Miriah who sat by her side on the stage.

"Well the detention students need busy work. So i guess we do." Miriah scoffed.

Y/n huffed in response, leaning back in her chair on the stage, crossing her arms and glaring down the students filing in.

The school had implemented a new program that forced students under infractions to help out with school activities while they were being held. And it just so happened that the biggest thing going on after school was the seasonal musical.

She locked eyes with a male with blue under cut. He was tall and lean with bright green eyes. Instead of shying away from her gaze, he stared back. Y/n scowled, flashing the golden grilz lining her bottom row of teeth. The boy only chuckled, winking and continuing on.

"Y/n, Miriah !" The girl jumped at the sound of her name, looking down to see her director conversing with the assigned detention teacher. hopping down from the stage, she fluffed her hair, adjusted her shirt and followed the call.

"Yes sir?"

"Miriah, take these three to the mic room." Her director stated, Miriah nodded, motioning with her hand for the students to follow. That only left Y/n and the boy with the green eyes.

"Y/n, this is Judd, he's here a lot." The detention teacher commented, only shaking his head in response to judd's wild glare. He almost towered over y/n, trying his best to stare her down.

"Take him to costumes." Her director commented. Y/n only nodded, spinning on her heel and leaving, not waiting for the boy to follow.

"How do i get out of shit hole ?" He asked after a moment of catching up to her. His voice was deep and rough, it tickled her spine, yet she didn't respond.

Judd huffed, walking alongside the girl and watching her irritated expression.

"This boy smells goooood." Connie hummed, appearing from seemingly nowhere.

Y/n's eyes furrowed even further, now trying to ignore the grungy-hot boy on her left and the raging hormone monster on her right.

"Ou! ou! look at his hands ! I bet he could just strangle the life out of you." Connie flushed.
Y/n only huffed, opening the costume room door for herself.

"This is the costume room." She said curtly, watching as Judd looked around just a bit.

Her eyes narrowed as his traced the hanging racks. He stopped at a particular garment, calloused hands reaching out to pull it from the rack.

"You wanna try this on for me, doll?" He mumbled, a ghost of a smirk on his lips as he held out a skimpy bra and miniskirt Mardi Gras type costume.

"In your dreams." She said with a straight face.

"mmm." He hummed, putting the outfit back on the rack. The sound made y/n shiver.

"You'd be such a pretty little thing to sit on my lap." He walked over to her slowly, caressing her chin in his hand. It would take more of him than he had to admit he thought she was beautiful.

Her fluttering eyelashes made her look more submissive than she'd like to know.

"Really?" She asked, licking her lips.

"Tell em you wanna wear his hand as a necklace!!" Connie yelled.

"Mhm. And i could make you feel so good." he said, leaning down and ghosting his lips over the base of her neck.

Amused, y/n let out a little whine.
"Yeah? You know what that means right?" she asked sweetly, hand trailing up his chest.

"what ?" He asked.

"You better start dreaming then." She stated, reeling back with a laugh.

"Marcy! I brought you some help!" She called out to the back room before leaving out the door they came in.

"Baby what was thattttt?" Connie whined sadly, following y/n out the door.

"Deep Down" Judd Birch x Poc self insertWhere stories live. Discover now