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That night, y/n decided to sit out in the living room with the family while Judd spent his time roaming through the forest. She wasn't worried, that seemed like a judd thing to do. She sat the couch parallel to Leah and Val with Mr and Mrs Birch on their left and Andrew Nick and some random girl they met on her right.

"How was the Market?" Mrs Birch asked, moving her piece in monopoly before looking at y/n.

"It was really nice, cold, but still much warmer than up here. And the food vendors are insaneee! Judd bought me this apple fritter that was like the size of my head!" She smiled, rolling the dice and moving her piece forward.

"Did you go to the boutique with all the designers sweaters?" Bernie asked.
"My mom took me down there last time and i lost my mind!"

"I actually ended up buying one, they're super cute."

"You bought one? or did Judd buy you one?" Leah teased with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

Y/n smiled sheepishly, looking away from Leah's gaze.
"Next question." She mumbled.

"You guys are like a real life couple!" Leah said, rolling the dice. She moved her piece a couple spaces before turning to Val.

"I'd like to buy the electric company because things need to get turned on." She batted her eyelashes.

"Well in that case, I am ATP." He said back.

Nick picked up the dice next, Rolling it, moving his piece, then grimacing when Andrew and Bernie cheered.

"Marvin gardens! Bernie and i own a big fat hotel there!" he said excitedly, smiling bashfully as Bernie made some one-off joke about his butt.

"Ugh, fuck you all!" Nick suddenly yelled out, flipping the game board over.
"I don't wanna play anymore!"

"Nicholas! What is wrong with you??" Mrs Birch yelled.

"Me?? What is wrong with you?! You're just gonna let this sleezy prick fuck our Leah?? Not to mention you're okay letting Judd RUIN y/n!"

Y/n's eyes widened.

I don't think he means 'ruin' in the way judd ruined me this morning—

"Oh my god!" Leah yelled.

"We are gonna let Val fuck our Leah and Leah Fuck our Val because that's who we are." Mr birch said firmly.

"Elliot do you even hear yourself??" Mrs Birch asked.

Meanwhile y/n held back a snicker. She had a feeling Judd would be a little disappointed that he missed the drama that night.

"Nick, just sit down. Have some Havarti, have a couple olives. We're the Birch's, we're sexually progressive." Andrew said smoothly.

"Well I'm sexually Aggressive!" Bernie joked.

"Who even are you?? Why are you here??" Nick yelled out in frustration.

"I'm bernie Sanders! Get on board!"

"I hate all of you!" Nick yelled.

"You are suck a spoiled little baby!" Leah yelled back.

"I'm not a baby!" Nick whined, leaving the room in a huff.

After that outburst, the family decided to cut the game a bit short. Going back to Her room, Y/n decided to put on a coat and sit on the balcony of the room. It was a bit breezy outside, and the sunset was beautiful over the mountains.

Y/n took a deep breath, leaning her head on her hand on the railing and watching the sky.

"Hey." A deep voice called out from below her. It was Judd. He was wearing his coat and snow boots, un-gloved hand holding an axe.

"Hey." Y/n replied, draping and arm over the railing. Judd watched as the light from the sunset poured over her face, lighting her gold. She was beautiful.

"Tell her she's pretty." Rochelle whispered, nudging his shoulder.
"Say something poetic and romantic!"

"What? Somethin on my face?" She asked with hooded eyes and a small smile. Judd shook his head.

"...I.....like the sun...on you."

"uhhh...well good first try?" Rochelle said, not really sure what she was expecting.

Y/n touched her face softly.
"Thank you." she giggled. Judd nodded just before turning around and walking back into the forest.

"He's sweet and he's got a grungy way about him, what's not to love?" A male voice says beside her suddenly.

Y/n looked over, studying the pink and yellow figure. He looked back at her, giving her a warm smile.

"Well don't just stare girl! I'm Walter, your new love bug!" He sang, jumping around with his butt glowing excitedly.

"Love bug.... for Judd?" She asked.

"Well.....do you love him?" Walter asked.
"They wouldn't have sent me here for no reason."

"I don't know..." Y/n said, genuinely in thought.

"Don't worry, I'll help you figure this shit out, that's my job." Walter stated, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"....Thank you. It's nice to meet you, Walter." Y/n smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too. Ah! You're so cute!"


"Deep Down" Judd Birch x Poc self insertWhere stories live. Discover now