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Just Us- Sza


(i dont know birch house layout lol)

"Pleaseeeeeeee Judd!" Y/n whined, following him as he pulled himself off his bed.

"No." Judd mumbled, leaving the room with her behind him.

"Kid what the fuck is wrong with you." Maury snarled from besides him, Judd ignored him.

"Cmon babe! Its not fairrr, you've eaten me out, I just wanna suck your dick." Y/n pouted, watching Judd rifle through the refrigerator.

He always viewed dick sucking as a slut's job. Something he'd make the girls he hooked up with previously do before he ever stuck his dick in them. But y/n is his girlfriend, he loves her, shes too good for that.

"Judd shes literally BEGGING to suck your cock, this is what most men dream of! Seize the opportunity while no one is home!" Maury wailed.

"Judd please." y/n mumbled, eyes wide and pitiful. She pressed a couple kisses up on his jaw before slowly lowering herself onto her knees. She looked up at judd with that doe eyed stare as he leaned back against the kitchen counter. She leaned her cheek against his thigh, blinking innocently at him.

Judd's eyebrows knotted in irritation as he felt his dick perk up.

"Fucking maury." He mumbled, hand over his face. Then he leaned down and grabbed y/n by the chin.

"If I let you do this shit, youre gonna stop asking?" he growled. Y/n nodded her head with a smile.

Judd huffed, unbuckling his belt and pulling out his half-hard dick.

"Suck it." He mumbled sternly, looking down at y/n.

Immediately she wrapped her lips around the tip, licking the salty precum away. Judd watched with low eyes as y/n ran her tongue up and down the shaft, drooling all over it with a moan. He but his lip, holding back a low groan.

"Shes beautiful, isnt she?" Maury slid up next to judd's stiff form.

"fuck." Judd said breathlessly. Carefully he slid his hand into her hair, pulling her back just enough so shed look up at him with those pretty eyes. Then slowly he pulled her forward on his dick, testing to see how far she could go. His eyebrows furrowed and lip trembled as she reached the base, lips touching his pubes
with minimal choking, keeping eye contact the entire time.

Y/n let out a sweet moan around his length, drool falling from her mouth. Judd's grip went lax as she pulled off, holding it up by the shaft so she could suck on his balls. Judd's head flew back with a closed mouth growl, which only spurred y/n on.

She swirled her tongue around the tip, slowly beginning to move her lips up and down the shaft. Judd's hand tightened in her hair, keeping her still as he stood up straight. One hand in her hair, the other on her cheek, his hips began to thrust towards her face.

"Youre so fucking pretty." He said, biting his lip as his dick slipped in and out of y/n's hot mouth.

"This what you wanted? Me to use your dirty fucking mouth as my little fuck toy? You like that?"

Y/n only moaned, tip hitting the back of her throat and her hands reaching up and lightly squeezing his balls.

"Fuuuuck baby~."

She let him fuck himself into her mouth until he thrust began to get sporadic and sloppy.

Then suddenly the front door opened.

Judd inwardly groaned at the sound, gripping y/n's head still. He lifted his hand and pressed his finger against lip, urging y/n to be silent as he listened to his family walked past the kitchen.

"Judd!" Mrs.Birch called out from the living room. Y/n squeaked in surprise, but Judd only shushed her, beginning to slowly fuck himself into her mouth again.

"What Diane?" He called back, watching y/n as his dick twitched in her mouth.

"This is so FUCKING HOT!!" Maury yelled out.
"See what happens when you LISTEN TO ME ??"

"Pick your brother up from school tomorrow, your father and I have an event to go to."

"Yeah sure whatever." He huffed. leaning his head back a little.
"gonna cum in this slutty fucking mouth." He wispered.

"Oh and are my glasses in there?" Mrs.Birch yelled out.

"Nah." He Breathed, a bunch of short breaths following as he finally blew his load on y/n's tongue.

"open." he mumbled, using his dick to smear his cum all over her lips and chin.

"Who do you belong to?" He asked, voice low under the sound of the living room tv. One of his big hands gripped her cum soaked chin.

"You. Only you. Always yours."

And suddenly Judd was hard again.

He quickly tucked his dick into his pants and snatched a paper towel off the roll. Judd pulled y/n to her feet, using the paper towel to gently wipe her face.

"Go upstairs." He said firmly, then he pulled at her shorts.
"And takes these off when you get there."

"You're making me so proud, kid." Maury cried, wiping a proud tear.


"Deep Down" Judd Birch x Poc self insertWhere stories live. Discover now