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That monday, a day after the previous, albeit against her will, y/n was at school once again.

She was extremely tired, whatever time she didn't spend drifting off to sleep, she spent thinking about her previous encounter.

he's actually....not that bad

In the pocket of her cargo pants her fingers kept running over the smooth metal of Judd's pocket knife. She didn't know how she got it, but she knew it was his as his name was scratched into the side. Just as y/n eyelids began to droop dangerously low, she was quietly started awake by the buzzing of her phone.

"I want my fucking shirt back."

She blinked for a moment, just staring at her phone.

"How did you even get my number?"

"Don't worry about it."

She huffed.

"If you missed me you can just admit it."

"Shut the fuck up. Come out to the back in 10 or i'm leaving without you."

Y/n looked at the clock, first period was over in 5 minutes. The time ticked by anticipatingly, y/n itching to leave her seat. And when the bell rang, she shot up and made her way to the back exit of the school.

"GO GO GO GO GO HURRY UP MY SWEET PETUNIA" Connie yelled, crowd surfing behind her.

Holding her bag on her shoulder, y/n scanned over the cars in the parking lot. She spotted an army green van with a bunch of inappropriate bumper stickers on the back and assumed that had to be it.

Walking up to the passenger side, she locked eyes with a familiar bluenette. The doors to the car clicked, signally her to open the car door.

"I didn't think you'd actually come out here, you don't seem like the type to skip school"

She let out a little laugh while getting in the car and shutting the door.

"Where we going?" she asked as Judd started the car, pulling out of the school parking lot.

"Don't worry about it, just sit back and relax." He huffed.

"Hm. Well what if you're driving me off to murder me?" Y/n asked. Judd looked over and met her eyes in the side mirror.

"You think i'm going to murder you, Y/n?" Y/n stilled and her body began to heat up.

He's so hot.

"Tell him he can murder your pussy!!" Connie wailed from the back seat.

Judd chuckled at her lack of response, focusing his eyes back on the road.

"Can i touch the radio?" Y/n asked. Judd looked over at her, then nodded slightly. Y/n began to flip through channels freely, listening to a couple seconds of each song before changing it. She stopped at one station, a pretty under the radar local station she was familiar with. She let the song play for a minute.

Admittedly, Judd liked it, it wasn't his type of music, but it wasn't bad . He had never even heard of the artist before.

"Who's this?"

"Me, it's my song."

"You? Hm."

For the rest of the ride, only if you squint, you might have been able to see Judd nodding his head along.

"You hungry?" He suddenly asked.

"Oh, i uh, i don't have my wallet on me." She said. Judd scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I didn't ask that idiot." Y/n watched as he pulled into the drive through of a cute burger joint. She was surprised to see that he ordered for the both of them, paying for it in full.

He handed her both bags while pulling out the restaurant parking lot, and y/n held them in her lap protectively. She stayed silent for the rest of the car ride. Somewhere along the drive her eyes drifted to the side, she traced the lines of judd's jaw and nose and eyelashes with her vision.

She jumped slightly when his eyes flicked to the side, locking with her own. Judd huffed out a little laugh as he turned back to the road. Soon he pulled the van into the entrance of a small park. He got out the car quickly, leaving y/n to stumble to get her seatbelt off. She was surprised when her door opened, even more surprised when Judd took the food from her lap and held the door open as he waited for her to get out.

"Fuck are you staring at me for?" he scoffed, making her snap out of her trance and shuffle out the car.

They sat down to eat at a small picnic table. Y/n relished in the way his tall form towered over her in his seat, and how his long legs bordered her own under the table. Most would feel crowded, but she felt safe, no matter how questionable he might have been.

He ate neatly, occasionally looking at her or over her shoulder at the scenery. Y/n did the same, fighting the flutter in her chest when he looked down at her.

Y/n stilled when she noticed Judd's attention was elsewhere. He was looking at the end of the table, eyes focused.

"what's wrong?" y/n asked.

"Spider." he said in his normal monotone voice. She followed his gaze to see a rather large spider, about the size of a dollar coin. She watched as Judd lifted his cup to smash it, and in an instant she grabbed his bicep to stop him.

Carefully, she reached out, ushering the little spider into her hand.

"It's gonna bite you, dumbass."

Y/n ignored him, only watching as the arachnid crawled onto her fingers. She lifted it up to her face, watching its eyes as it watched her eyes. Then she looked to Judd, locking gazes.

"It's cute." she said with a small smile.

If you were anyone other than those two in that moment, and you held a magnifying glass to Judd's signature unwavering glare, you might have noticed the slightest pink tint dusting his cheeks.

And as he stared at the girl staring at him and holding a wild spider, he felt something he hadn't felt for anyone his age for a long time. And he almost shivered when a familiar voice whispered in his ear.

"She has the sweetest eyes.....

....cum on her face."

"...Maury shut your fucking mouth."


"Deep Down" Judd Birch x Poc self insertWhere stories live. Discover now