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Brace yourself- Sza

"What about this?" Y/n asked, holding a sweater dress to her body.

"Mm." Judd replied, looking quite uninterested.

"This one?" Y/n asked, holding up a different dress.


"Come on, work with me here!" She huffed, glaring at the green eyed boy leaning against one of the racks.

"You're hot, you'll look good in either one." Judd said honestly. Y/n stared at him for a minute.

"So the blue one? I'm gonna get the blue one." Judd chuckled, watching as she walked to the counter. Coming up behind her, he snatched her wallet from her hands, opting to pull out his own and play for the dress himself.

"Thank you." She mumbled, looking at him in delight.


He held her gloved hand tightly as they walked the market together. As they passed by a pastry stand, Judd watched as y/n's eyes lingered on a display case of apple fritters.

"You want one?" He asked, stopping his footsteps.

"Oh it's okay, i don't think i could finish the whole thing." y/n said softly.

"I didn't ask you that, do you want one?" He said calmly.

"yeah kinda..." y/n mumbled. A sheepish smile spread across her face as Judd silently went to the booth and ordered one of the pastries. After paying, he came back, handing it to her along with some napkins. It was about the size of her hand and she needed two to hold it. She mumbled a little thank you as Judd took her shopping bags and began walking once again.

"It's rly good, you want a bite?" Y/n asked while chewing.

"nah." Judd kept his eyes forward

"Cmon try ittt" Y/n said, pushing pastry towards his mouth. His eyes flicked to the side, giving y/n a small glare before he took a bite. It was really good, crunchy on the outside, soft in the inside and not too sweet.

" 's good. I bet you taste better though." He said calmly.

Y/n paused.

"Hold out til tonight n maybe you'll find out."she replied. Judd looked over, watching as she innocently went back to eating her fritter. The walk was quite after that, and after a moment they came upon a small seating area. Judd ushered y/n to sit down, sitting across from her at one of the small tables. He waiting for her to finish her pastry, occasionally glancing at her with cold eyes. Maybe the fifth time he looked at her, she stared back, still chewing. Judd put his arms on the table, towering her form and staring her down. Most people would be intimidated, but y/n only smiled, pressing a warm kiss to his forehead and going back to eating.

If Judd's face wasn't already flushed from the cold weather, it was now. Then suddenly looking at her made his chest hurt. Honestly he thought he was having a mild heart attack until he heard an unfamiliar voice behind her.

"She's amazing isn't she?" Judd whipped his head around, confused to see a yellow and pink bug thing with a bun full of hair and two butterfly wings. All while glowing, she smiled at Judd, carefully approaching the table and pulling up a chair to the side of both him and y/n.

"What the fuck are you?" Judd hissed, eyes squinting away from the creatures glowing body.

"Oh! sorry." The thing laughed, and then the glow stopped.
"My name is Rochelle, and Im your very first love bug!"

Judd glared blankly at her smile.

"The fuck does that mean?"

"It meansssss" Rochelle began.
"That girl right there, you're in love with her."

Judd looked over to y/n who was still munching quietly on her fritter. People who did their best to read judd's behavior assumed he didn't care about anything. He's fucked before, nothing with any emotional connection. People always assumed that he'd never treat a girl right, never commit to her because of the way he was. Well Judd always thought he was the opposite. He cared about a lot of things, had his own goals and interests. And he knew if  he ever met someone he cared about enough (which seemed unlikely until now) He'd sacrifice the world and everyone in it for them.

He would sacrifice the world and everyone in it for y/n.

"Who decided that?" He asked, not taking his eyes off y/n.

"Whoever assigns the clients in my office, they're never wrong. Plus i've seen it first hand, I did a little research before coming to meet you." Rochelle replied, crossing her legs.

"You made a good choice, Y/n L/n is a catch!"

"I know." He replied.
"So you're just going to be around now?"

"Yepp! That's my Job!" She smiled.


"Welcome to the team." Maury said with fake prestige , appearing behind Judd's chair.
"I'm sure you'll find Judd to be a very charming homicidal maniac."

"Thank you." Rochelle said warmly.

"You ready?" Judd asked, looking at y/n who had stopped taking bites from what was left of her pastry.

"Mhm." she said, looking up at him.

He felt the ache in his chest again.


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