One thing you should know about me is that I am a person who always like to be in control. And yet this was something that God tested me on more than I could count. The art of letting go is something that I fail miserably at but then God, with His infinite love and grace taught me that in letting go lies more freedom you could ever ask for.
I remember the time when I had one week left before the finals. I had all my notes and reviewers prepared in my laptop, as I build this week on week. I was confident that I will be able to review what I need to, I just needed to make time for it. But then, the inevitable happened – my laptop broke down. Call it bad luck or just my laptop's way of saying it had enough with my overuse of it not letting it rest even on weekends, but that happened and I felt my whole world crumble.
I tried my best to troubleshoot it. I tried to find ways to restore my OS all the while I was studying using the borrowed Chromebook from the College. It felt like I was at the end of my rope when I realized I had to re-write all my notes and reviewers again as all my data was stored in my laptop that was broken.
And then it hit me. I was already backed up into the wall. I did my best and all I could do is to just offer it up to Him. This is when I began to realize the value the bible verse when Jesus called out to the Lord when He asked the father to remove the cup of suffering. Then He choose to surrender, "Not my will, but yours be done."
Just at the very moment I let go, my lifeline arrived. A friend of a friend's friend, knows someone how to fix laptops (and yes, that wasn't my direct network!). I quickly messaged and called the number and arranged for a meet up so he can pick up the laptop and fix it overnight. Imagine the relief I got when the guy messaged me that it's all fixed and that all my files were in-tact. I couldn't help but sing praises to the Lord that time all the while I was crying my eyes out.
You see, for me it felt like a miracle. I didn't know anybody in particular that knows how to fix my laptop. Searching online for companies that can fix my laptop was also not feasible because all shops were closed due to the pandemic. I mean, who could've thought that there was one person in my network, not directly related to me, who knows how to fix my laptop? Imagine how blessed I felt that I don't have to go through all the trouble and stress of re-writing my notes. All of my efforts were in-tact and God brought it back to me.
Sometimes God brings us these moments in our lives, not to make us miserable but to teach us the value of letting things go. You see, in moments when we learn to let go and let God, we begin to realize that God never has forsaken us in the past and He has no reason to forsake us in the future. When you have these moments in your life, you realize that these are your God testimonies. And when you face another trial in your life, then you look back to the past moments in your life when God asked you to let go and realize the wonders and miracles He has performed in your life, you begin to remember: "Ah, my God is the God of miracles. There's no problem big enough for Him not to see me through."
In the moments we learn to let go are the moments that we learn more about God's love and grace. In the end, faith is not knowing about the outcome, not knowing about what, where, when, why, and even the how, but in knowing in your gut that one thing is for certain: God will be your lifeline. He has and He will always be. All you have to do is, let go and let God.
Finding the David within: Testimonials from an International Student
EspiritualJust like everyone, it started with a dream. And then I prayed for the courage to go after that dream. When I did, I got more than what I bargained for. Yes, it was a difficult journey but as they say, nothing worth it ever comes easy. In your hand...