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Stars can't shine without the darkness.

After I've been through so much as an international student, looking back, I felt that those hardships were a necessary pain for me to become whom God intended me to be.

This is somewhat similar to the story of the pencil who cried out to the pencil maker asking why he had to go through the painful process of sharpening, only to realize that it is because of that process will the pencil be able to write the most beautiful stories or artworks that we would never have been capable of, if he stayed just as he was, painless but dull.

This is the same with our life. Sometimes, we have to go through the necessary pain so we can write beautiful stories of:

·         How we triumphed over fear

·         How we overcame our mountains

·         How we achieved an impossible dream

·         How we persevered in spite of the difficulties we face

Everything has a reason. Even our pain today is necessary for us in the future. So believe that you have a God of purpose. Let Him guide you through the difficult times.

You never know when your story can be someone else's survival guide.

Stars shine best in darkness, and sometimes, those stars can serve as a guide for others find their own light, and make them realize that they too are more than capable to shine brighter than they ever hoped for.

Finding the David within: Testimonials from an International StudentWhere stories live. Discover now