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Caiden's fingers slid through mine, our joined hands falling to my lap. I looked away from the beautiful morning sunrise outside the plane window. Ahh, what I would give to walk along the clouds.

"I'm sorry our extended trip was cut so short" Caiden mumbled, bringing our hands to his mouth, his lips planting a soft kiss on the top of my hand. I smiled, watching his mouth, my eyes remaining on his lips after he'd placed our hands back on my lap.

"Duty calls" I shrugged. Yes, it sucked that the first time I'd ever been out of the state I didn't get to explore and site see, maybe if Caiden and I hadn't been too busy last night we would've gone out, but honestly I wouldn't have had last night any other way. I had fun, and I know he did too. The corners of Caiden's lips slowly began to tilt up, his mouth pulling into a mischievous smirk.

"I've got to deal with something before that actually" He spoke, leaning over the arm rest towards me. I let out an airy laugh, Caiden's right arm finding it's place on the seat at my left, his left hand planted on the seat on my right.

"Oh? Really? What could that be?" I glanced around anywhere I could that didn't contain his face. Caiden stood before me, hunched over to meet me at the seat, as his lips connected with my neck.

"I think you damn well know what" His lips met mine in a tender embrace. This wasn't like 95% of the kisses we'd shared, this one was slow, yet passionate, fast, but lingering. I wanted to savor the taste of his lips, and he wanted to do the same. But like all good things, they're cut short. Caiden huffed against my mouth, pulling back away from me to retrieve his phone form his pocket. He glanced at the name, rolling his eyes.

"It's Blake, again" He planted a quick kiss to my lips before walking to the other end of the jet.

"This better be good" I heard his snappy voice fade the further he got. My own attention was brought to my phone as it vibrated in my pocket.

I leant over to look down the aisle, Caiden's phone held against his ear as he spoke what I could only assume as angry words into the phone

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I leant over to look down the aisle, Caiden's phone held against his ear as he spoke what I could only assume as angry words into the phone. I couldn't hear him, but the vein popping out of his neck said enough.

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