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I stood in the same spot patiently waiting for Blane to hurry the fuck up and explain to me everything that's going on.

"You're wasting my time" I hissed, glancing between the two siblings before storming towards the bedroom door.

"We became friends through Caiden" Blane blurted causing my feet to pause. I turned back towards him, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for him to continue.

"Me and the guys were 14 almost 15, Nani 12 and you'd just turned 13" I moved back across the room, sitting back in the desk seat.

"Caiden's parents didn't go to any of his basketball games, and it was clear the lack of support effected how he played. One day you turned up and since then on he was the MVP. Other teams referred to him as 'The Killer'" I snorted at the fact I remember sitting along the benches hearing mumbles in the crowd. People saying 'shit, it's him. It's the killer'. I always thought it sounded fucking ridiculous and pretentious, but they weren't wrong.

"The older we got, the closer we got and the more secrets were shared, the more deep conversations we had" Blane said, glancing at me before looking to the ground.

"We'd go around to your place so often it sort of felt like it was our place" Blane smiled to himself.

"We knew from the get go you're parents were dodgy-no offence- we just didn't know what they did and who they actually worked for" A frown fell upon my face, wondering where this was about to go.

"One time we'd all decided to meet at your place, but Caiden was late, and when he eventually turned up he had cigarette burns littering his arms, even a couple on his neck" My heart thudded in my chest.

"He'd told us that when he went to tell his Dad he was leaving, he found him, and your parents in the lounge, arguing" Now I'm beyond confused.

"He didn't know what the fuck was going on and tried to sneak off, but accidentally knocked over a large garden rake in the hallway. His Dad was beyond furious, accusing him of eavesdropping, punched him across the face and then proceeded to stick his cigarette ember against Caidens skin, not stopping until his screams died down" The pain in my chest only squeezed the air out of my lungs harder.

"You were actually the one that took him upstairs to help clean him up" My face softened. I don't remember that. I don't remember anything Blane is telling me.

"For the next couple years Caiden was the only one who really paid enough attention to your parents and what they were doing. And one day when you weren't home that's when he began paying attention to the way they acted with you" I didn't think anyone noticed. Arson certainly didn't act like he cared if he did, and none of the guys brought anything up.

"There was a day you weren't around, and then suddenly just like that you were back. Then three weeks later you disappeared for a week" My stomach dropped. The abortion. I could tell Blane knew that's what it was too by the sad look on his face.

"Caiden pretty much tore up your whole house thinking your parents had done something to you. He didn't talk to any of us and when he did he was suspicious; paranoid that maybe one of us was in on it, whatever it was" Caiden really did that? For me?

"The day you came back he knew something was wrong, but he never asked. He respected your privacy more than anyone else. And ever since that day he'd never taken his eyes off of you" I shook my head.

"No. He hated me" I choked out, Blane and Nani both giving me a sad smile.

"He wanted you to think he hated you" My heart shattered into a million pieces.

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