Chapter 7

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"Wait, good sir, I want to give you something as a token of my gratitude to you!" Lhianne yelled, waving her hand with a bag of mora while amplifying her voice with the other. Paimon and I went to her as she was just a few meters away.

"Is something the matter, miss?" Paimon asked.

"Oh hello, and traveler! Good day to you," she smiled. "Hello, Lhianne." I greeted back. "What happened that made you yell as loud as that for a man?"

A tint of red formed at the tip of her ears. "It was nothing like that," she said. "A young man had given me all of his berries as I was looking for some of it for me to be able to make some yellow dye, however he had only placed the berries under this tree and left. He didn't even turned around after I yelled that I'll give him some compensation for the berries," she sighed as she put all of the berries in her inventory.

"I see. He must have his reasons," she shrugged at my thought. "Perhaps he is. Oh! Have you heard?" Paimon and I exchanged glances. "What is it? Treasure?" Her eyes twinkled.

"Ah no, I just thought that a hero like you needs a lot of rest and enjoy the happiness Liyue can offer!" I chuckled at her flattery. "A festival will be held at the harbor 3 days from now." She said.

"What for?"

"The people of Liyue do not actually get along together except when it comes to Rex Lapis or for the improvement of their business. However, the people have agreed to get along with each other not just for Rex Lapis, but for themselves. I have heard that the Qixing have already agreed to this proposal, so I suppose that preparations are already being made as of now. Even the people from Mondstat are interested to partake in this festival! They're open for everyone, after all. Oh, look at the time," She bowed her head. "See you next time, traveler!" She waved her hand as she walked away from us. Paimon and I bid farewell.

"A festival, huh?" Paimon crossed her arms. "Paimon may want to join the festival rather than being insulted with various combination of words every new area we travel to, but Paimon thinks that you deserve lots of rest too."

I shrugged. "We're almost done with gathering materials, either way. Joining a festival wouldn't hurt."

"YAY!" she beamed as she swirl above my head, which reminds me of Childe's water dolphin. It's cute as long as Childe doesn't use it to drown people toward their death.

"It's almost night, Aether! where are we going to stay?" Paimon asked.

"Actually...." I looked at Paimon, my hand touching the back of my neck. "Can we visit the Wangshu Inn for a bit?"

Then again, here I am on the balcony of the inn, waiting for someone whom I'm fully aware that doesn't visit here regularly. Still, I waited.

What's wrong with me? I sighed. I literally went here just to see him because of nothing! I'm worried about him and I miss him even though I was just with him last three days. Then now I just want to stare at him for hours and help him with anything he needs like I'm his lover.

Oh no. His lover? I laughed nervously. I'm crazy. I'm definitely crazy. How could I fall for him? I mean I fell once and he caught me right when I was readying my thoughts that I had a good life, but this one's different.

Besides, I don't believe that Adepti would fall in love with a guy like me, much less with a mortal........or anyone for that matter. Wait, did I just accept that I'm inlove with him?

I screamed internally.

So, where should I pray when I have this kinds of problems? To the Raiden Shogun? Venti? Zhongli?

I sighed, defeated. I'll just pray to a seelie or something and hope that they can help me other than guiding me to chests and being pretty.

".........and I have already marked down the domains the mages possibly reside. Yes, a small interrogation would suffice, considering we'll end them all once they've speak of everything we need to know." A familiar voice instructed.


Oh, great Seelie, please turn me into a Seelie as well. I desperately prayed, my hands clasped together and my eyes glued shut.

I think they just responded with oh, ur stuck? Lol gluck getting ur babe cuz we gonna cheer for you right here in Mondstat uwu

That will drive me crazy if I heard that response, seriously.

In reality, though, I just sat in a corner like a rock hoping for Xiao not to notice since he just walked outside the inn and right now he's right infront of me, his back facing toward my direction, fortunately. I never dared to move an inch.

However, Verr Goldet noticed me who was just infront of Xiao. I looked at her nervously as her lips form a smile. "Mr. Xiao, I think we must continue discussing this issue inside the inn. It has become a bit cold lately," she said.

"No, I........okay, then." She made way for Xiao before going in herself. I'll bring her something tomorrow as a sign of my appreciation for her help with my escape.

I was only taking my first step to escape, but alas, the archons might've hate me too much.

The wood of the balcony creaked as I made my step and it was loud enough for anyone residing this floor.

Time to jump, I ran to the center of the balcony to make sure that I'll be out of the building for good and no one will know who I am. I took my glider as fast as I could.

Nevertheless, a familiar hand grabbed my arm, preventing me to jump off.

Just how unlucky am I today?

"Traveler," eversince I have realized my feelings for Xiao, his voice has become quite seductive to my ears, even if he's breatheless probably because of running.

But along with his attractiveness, my mind had also started to become haywire.

"Ah...uhm.....sorry I'm a whooperflower?" I squeaked.

To Bask in a Ray of Sunlight: a XiaoAether fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now