Chapter 26

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I apologize for the frequent author's note and the late update; I was just clearing up the outline of the story so I will be able to write fast instead of thinking of an idea on the fly like I did with the 26 chapters :)

+ it got unexpectedly busy here because christmas



"I see."

Xiao continued to remove the braid at the tip of my hair while dragging my hands along, his lips touching my head as we took a break under a tree after clearing the heart of Watatsumi. We were just maintaining normal distance just at the moment we sat under it. However, as time goes by, we ended up entangled to each other with me resting infront of him while Xiao placed his chin on top of my head. His arms wrapped around my waist perfectly for me to sneak my hands in between both of his which he gladly held, intertwining our fingers as I told him everything--when Lumine contacted me through an unfamiliar type of magic until that time when I called his name while I fought the Raiden Shogun. I have also told him how I proceeded here to find a lead about the unknown god we saw before I lost my powers in hopes of a reason of staying here in Teyvat.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I mumbled.

".......of course I am." Xiao sighed. "I wouldn't if you had told me sooner. Eversince you told me about your lost sister, I knew such day will come. I wasn't happy about it, of course....but who am I to stop you from doing so?" He caressed the back of my hand with his thumb that suprisingly felt soothing.

"I'm sorry."

"You know your sorry can't actually fix anything, right?"

I felt guilt subtly racking my head. The feeling seeped inwardly painful--especially on my heart. "I'll do anything to make you feel better." I promised.



He buried his face on my neck, tightening his hug. "I want to spend time with you."

I chuckled, turning my eyes to him though only the greens of sacramento can only be seen within my line of vision. "We already are spending time with each other."

"Not like this. I......" I felt him heaving a sigh over my shoulder. "These moments are undoubtedly rare for us. I don't have any idea when do you plan to leave, but I want to do everything with you before that time comes."

I felt the hair from my nape stood up straight. "You've become a bit honest with yourself," I mused.

"Adding another coat of lie after another for the sake of pride does awful tragedies." He said, his body unmoving. "This I have only discovered just recently. Lying to pretty tiring." It wasn't direct, yet the weight of his words seemed to be like he had realized this through experiencing a good amount of pain. "Indeed it is," I agreed, taking off one of my hands from his grasp and placing it on his head, brushing his soft uneven hair. He patently felt comfortable to my touch as he shifted his weight, leaning more to me.

"Should we continue our life subtly after this?" Xiao moved his head up, making me drown to the golden hues of his eyes. "How so?" He asked in muted tones loud enough for me to hear.

"Probably living together somewhere we consider as our home." A blush creeped up to Xiao's cheeks. "Lead a peaceful life and staying within normal circumstances as much as possible. Adopting a pet would be nice, no?" I added.

"I am pretty sure Paimon heard that." he said.

"I think what you just said offended her more compared to mine." I pointed out. Paimon didn't showed up, which what I considered as self-explanatory.

"You're on your idea of subtle, regardless." Xiao placed his face back to my shoulder, once again burying himself on my neck as he fixed the long locks of hair he undone himself.

"Isn't it how people usually lay low from their adventures?"

"I suppose."

"Okay." I left a peck on his hair. "Let's go back to Liyue, then. I feel more at ease there despite the beauty of the islands of Inazuma."

I felt him taking a deep breath before answering. "It's a familiar territory, after all."

"That's too sudden, really." Yoimiya said as she finished a mouthful of meat from her pack of lunch. The kids have also had their own utensils to take a bite from time to time before running around to play.

"We already have told the others regarding our departure to Liyue Harbor today. It is indeed sudden but.........we still have other matters to do there." I smiled apologetically.

"Oh no, no, it's alright! I understand. What I don't understand, though......" she pulled my scarf towards her, gesturing me to move closer. "Is that....guy really your boyfriend?" She whispered. "I mean, I didn't expect he'll be your type..... he's undoubtedly handsome....but he looks emotionally constipated.....based on his facial features, at least."

Xiao frowned. "I heard that, mortal."

"Eek! Sorry...........mortal?...."

"It's true, though." A kid sitting beside Yoimiya butted in.

"Hush!" She swiftly covered the kid's mouth with her hand. "You shouldn't be spouting rude comments to strangers."

"But you did, though..." the kid defended.

"He's my friend's lover, I have closer relations to him compared to yours....right?" She glanced at Xiao as she laughed nervously only to recieve a plain stare at his end.

Yoimiya wouldn't believe me but that stare is the best reaction she can possibly recieve from him.

I butted in before the tension builds up. "I guess we must take our leave. We'll still visit here from time to time to probably use my lifetime discount."

"I'll be glad to give you limited editions as well when you visit." Yoimiya giggled.

We both bid our farewell and went to the nearest waypoint. Just as we reached the front, Paimon popped up and started floating above our heads. "That girl is too energetic, just like her fireworks." Xiao heaved a sigh.

"Paimon thinks she isn't that bad at all!"

"Because she gives you food every time you visit her." I pointed out.


Xiao raised a brow, annoyance evident from his face. "You can order any kind and amount of food at Wangshu Inn." He said smugly.

"See," Paimon crossed her arms. "This is why you have to keep Xiao forever."

"Have I told you that you're shameless?" I bluntly asked.

She gasped. Just before she spout another comeback, Xiao went in between us. "Calm down. I'm not really suprised about Paimon's appetite at all considering her midnight adventure to Gorou's inventory last night and stealing a bottle of honey and chicken during our stay in the resistance, only to replace the lost consumables with your own."

Paimon was taken aback by the revelation. "Not really!" She objected. "Someone was just.....introducing Paimon to new wonders of food that time."

"Paimon....." I rubbed my temple as I attempt to lessen the minor headache her situation had given me.

"If my memory serves right," Xiao said as he pulled up a map, locating the Wangshu Inn. "That companion of hers during her midnight expedition is.....numero uno Arataki Itto?"


Just before I concluded that she won't be having dinner tonight, Xiao had already opened the waypoint and pulled both of us in.

To Bask in a Ray of Sunlight: a XiaoAether fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now