Chapter 10

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Why am I here again?

"Come on....*hic*......Zhongli...." Venti slurred, slamming his glass for another serving of wine. I opened the bottle and poured some. His eyes brightened, drinking it in a gulp. "That hits the spot," he slumped back on his chair.

"This bard, really....." Zhongli rubbed his temples after putting his own glass down on the table. his stress makes sense--who in the right mind would drink and waste away in a funeral parlor?

"This boy really has some drinking habits." Hu Tao, the director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, said as she fixes the casket orders on the other side of the table. "Insane, I should say. Anyway, what's your name again?" She turned her gaze to me. "Your choice of friends really are unusual, Mr. Zhongli."

"I can consider Xiao as my close relative. This bard, however," he sighed in annoyance. "Is just a beggar I've given a bit of my mora before and has been following me eversince."

Hu Tao nodded as she understood Zhongli's explanation. "I see, he looks rich, though. I can't believe he's poor," she stood up from her seat, walking back to their office, I suppose. There are many piled documents at the office table as she opened the door. She gasped. "Like how you showed up when I first met you, Mr. Zhongli!"

Zhongli suddenly coughed as he drink a bit of wine, probably inhaling some with his nose as well.

"I honestly thought you were a noble considering your appearance and actions," she scratched her head, a pale shade of pink emerging on her cheeks. "How embarassing. Anyway, I'll go do my work now, Mr. Zhongli." She smiled. "Oh, and don't forget the supplies!" She closed the door with a slam.

"A talkative and loud fellow, that girl." He took another sip of his wine while Venti finishes the rest of the bottle by himself. I don't have anything to gain here. Traveling for hours with Venti as she sings unusual songs such as that song he had named as 'Bad Romance' with his lyre makes my soul want to wither away. He insisted me to come with him because I was his 'wine bottle holder'. I was kind enough not to throw his beloved wine from the bridges of Huaguang Stone Forest. I suppose I've been expecting for a solution or an answer from him after sharing my thoughts.

"I should go now, I have other things that I must finish." I placed the bottle on the table and walked toward the door. Before I even touched the knob, Zhongli's voice was heard across the room.

"Wait," he said. "I would like to talk to you for a while."

"What's on your mind, Mr. Zhongli?" I crossed my arms as I rested my back on the door.

"Is it true? are you looking for..........." his eyes hesitated for a bit, though expression composed. "A way to suppress your Karma."

"Yes," I plainly responded. Venti had probably talked to Zhongli about it wjen I wasn't paying attention. "If ever there is such a thing."

"Hngg," Venti passed out on his seat. Zhongli carried him, laying Venti to one of the couches. He then walked towards me. "Unfortunately, the wrath of the fallen gods cannot be blocked by magic without consequences on one's body, much less a substance. I am only concerned about your being, thus I advise you not to do such lengths." he sighed.

"I understand," I felt a slight disappointment. He was right. "then, I must take my leave." he nodded. I bid farewell and left the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, avoiding any humans as much as possible while exiting the harbor.

It was already late evening when I reached Wangshu Inn. I silently went inside my room and prepared for another course of the plan. According to the information that I have accumulated from the interrogation of the abyss mages, these monsters that I have been looking for days are being discarded as they are a disturbance to their plans.

The ellimination of these monsters has been a great relief to my line of work, but that doesn't mean that I will be able to do nothing for a whole day. After all, there is no such thing as peace in this land. There will always be people who are near their death, disturbed by entities, or hunted down by monsters. Still, it would be ideal if I could grasp the gist of their plan to consider their 'disturbance' to my original line of work.......

"Henlow." A hand suddenly appeared from my shoulder.

I pulled out a pen and swiftly pointed the tip to their throat, my sight still focused on the map I was marking on the table. "You shouldn't enter a room without knocking, Venti."

"Aren't we close already?" He pushed the pen far away from his throat and sat on my bed. "No." I answered. "What brings you here at this hour? And here I thought you'll be out for a day or two."

"Just visiting a friend," he smiled. "I know it sounds suspicious but you know," he took one of the pillows and put it on his lap. "I am just curious of how did that idea emerged from your thoughts? Every adepti hates the sight of mortals, strangers in fact."

"Again, it's none of your business."I said, rolling back the map. I took another paper and started writing the specific locations that I had marked. "I guess I couldn't argue more; I respect your decision, if that's what you think it's best. And oh," Venti stood up, walking toward my table. "There will be a festival open to all nations tomorrow! Probably a bit of sight-seeing would help you to clear your thoughts. Ah, look at the time!" He gasped. "I have a performance later in the morning, and it's already dawn. I must take my leave," he patted my shoulder before walking out of my room.

Tomorrow, huh. I sighed. I only want to be with one particular person tomorrow........

It doesn't matter. He can't be happy with me, anyway. It'll be alright for me as long as he enjoys the festival.

To Bask in a Ray of Sunlight: a XiaoAether fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now