Chapter 19

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It was still afternoon when I went back to the inn. I sometimes get called out by people but I still get back afterwards.

It's already late in the evening. Still, there are no signs of him nearby nor a call. I went down from the balcony towards the counter.

"Verr," I called.

"May I help you with anything, sir?" She said.

"Has Aether visited the inn after he left this morning?" I asked.

"As far as I know, he hasn't visited this inn throughout the day." Verr looked at the other staffs near her. They shook their heads as they haven't noticed Aether as well.

"I see. Then, I must take my leave." I climbed upstairs as fast as I could, entering the balcony. I jumped out and travelled using my vision's power, searching for any traces of him. Where is he?

I searched every area that he might've visited, even the mountainside of the Guyun Stone Forest. There I noticed the Alcor Aether talked about once. I swiftly glided to the top of its main mast, searching for him. I was too focused that I had failed to notice a mortal just below me, standing at the sail, terrified. "What are you doing here?" He shrieked. Nevertheless, I paid his dramatic reaction no mind. I went back to the mountainside once I made sure that he wasn't there.

He didn't told me about anything regarding his travels on land, I thought. I do not wish to know every move he does, either. However, those information are quite handy especially during situations like these.

"Aether? Aether!" I desperately called his name, hoping a voice would answer back. However, no one answered.

It's just like he vanished into thin air.

I shook my head, ignoring the pain I felt all over my body. Reminiscing these memories never did anything good to me and my curse didn't help either.

Aether won't do anything like vanishing like that. He'll always tell me what he has to do firsthand.

A cough became audible to my ears as I set foot on the plains of Dunyu Ruins. I ran to where the sound came from, slaying every monster who hinders my way.

Unfortunately, the noises stopped without me even seeing who it was. I sighed, sitting at the edge of the Statue of the Seven. However, I smelled a familiar scent; the faint smell of rust. As expected, I saw smears of it behind the statue.


I took a deep breath before following the stains of dried blood left on the grasslands, hoping the blood isn't his.

Unfortunately, the gods from Celestia might've hated me too much.

The tracks of blood stopped right at the roadside on the way to Lingju Pass. There I saw Aether lying down, unconscious, with bloodstains evident on his clothes. Paimon was just beside him, her tears silently pouring down.

"Paimon!" I ran towards them and kneeled over, checking every part he might've injured. "What happened?"

"Xiao....he‐" she sniffed. "The Fatui attacked us and......we couldn't escape so....he fought all of them.....He was seriously injured but.....I was able to teleport both of us to the Statue.......he was healed but he said...the pain was still too much....." she bursted to tears.

I rubbed her back to calm her down "It's okay now, I got this. You've done a great job Paimon. Leave him to me." She nodded as she wiped her tears from her eyes, dissapearing to thin air.

I carried him in my arms-one arm under his legs while I wrapped the other one to support his back, like how a groom usually carries his bride. Using my vision, I travelled back to the inn as fast as I could.

"Sir, what happened-"

"Verr, give me a bowl of water and a towel. Painkillers as well." I ordered. She bowed her head and immediately went down to the kitchen. I reclined him on my bed and checked his temperature. The pain might've caused an aftershock on his body and may possibly cause a fever as a response from his immune system. Fortunately, it seems like his body hasn't gone into that response, but I still have to monitor him just incase. I gently took off his shirt and changed it to a clean shirt from my closet.

I heard the door creaked open. Verr walked in, placing the bowl,a pill of painkillers, and a glass of water on my study table. "Thank you. I'll call you whenever I need anything more."

She nodded and silently walked out, closing the door. I was just cleaning his bloodstained face with a towel when Aether mumbled. "No, I'm okay," he said, slowly opening up his eyes. " I?"

"You're inside my room."

He sat up, confused. "Feeling pain anywhere?" I asked.

"A little bit." He answered. I took the pill and gave it to him. "Painkillers," I told him. He nodded before drinking it along with water.

The room was filled with deafening silence for long. It was until I asked him, "where have you been?" I looked at him, but his eyes never met mine.

He took a deep breath before he spoke. ".......the Fatui attacked us while we were investigating some places."

"And you didn't even called my name?"

"I can handle them on my own."

"Yeah, right." I scoffed. "And where did that belief led you?"

He looked at me, irritated. "Don't nag me like you're my parent!"

"What the-I'm just worried about you! It won't hurt to ask for help."

"I just don't want to depend on you!" He yelled.

"Why? For Morax's sake, I'm your lover!" I yelled back.

"I'm not some damsel in distress! I can take care of myself. Either way, I have to be, because I know you can't be always be here to protect me, especially when I leave this world."

I froze.

He stood up, walking towards the door. "I'll be leaving, then." He left without even looking at me.

I just stood there, alone, with tears falling down from my eyes.

Once again, I was drowned in a sea of darkness inside me.


I'm just upset since yesterday, so yeah.


To Bask in a Ray of Sunlight: a XiaoAether fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now