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It was a beautiful morning when Win father drop the bomb on his only son "I'm locking your accounts and freezing all your cards from today " he said nonchalantly. Win was browsing Amazon.com on his laptop on what kind of outfit he will buy next.

Win knew his father love him he smiled and said "Nice joke Dad but it’s not funny at all".

But Win father seems damn serious he was also carrying some credit card bills of his so he put them on Win's laptop and said "I'm not joking Win. You spend too much money on unnecessary things. You should have seen those credit cards bills."

Win shuts his laptop and look at the bundle of paper his father gave, he whine like a kid and said "Let me have my fun dad, and Why are you being like this all of a sudden in this beautiful morning"?

Win father glared at him he asked his son "Can you explain to me why did you bought those same shoes in seven different colors when in fact you have a whole room full of shoes already".

Win groaned out throwing his hand in air "dad that's because they are pretty". Win dad inform his son as a matter of fact that " you spend too much money and you're is not going to let this continue anymore"

"Dad, stop controlling my fucking life!" Win said a little louder this time

Win dad angrily said "Watch your mouth Win. I am your father and you will not talk to me that way".

Win swallowed his saliva his dad looks scary today he tone down and softly asked "what do you want from me dad?".

Win father sternly said "Find a job and try to survive on your own. I'm not paying for those ridiculous things anymore, You will stay at your flat all on your own. Till you realize your mistakes and you will stop playing around and earn for your living.

Win pouts on his father but agreed reluctantly he pack his essential and some clothes and he went to his single bedroom flat which was his father present on his 19th birthday.

Later that evening Win got a call from his friend Pink. Pink asked him she will come to his place and bring food and beer for his friend to cheer him up.

Pink and Win is childhood friends, both went to same school, business college and complete their MBA from London together. Both belong to rich family, But Pink got big brother so she can enjoy life and buy whatever she wants unlike Win who is sole heir but still he thinks it too early for him to joined his father business at the age of 22.

Pink arrived and both friends start eating dinner. After coming back from his father house Win thought about finding suitable job and that one profession where he can get luxurious things without working hard. And after surfing a bit he finally decided on one one job that fits for his liking and he mentally took note to discuss it with his friend Pink later after dinner.

Win and Pink finish their dinner and they both were drinking beer in Win's balcony. Win shares everything happens in morning with his father and how his dad kick him out just because of some shoes. Pink ask his friend on a serious note though what he decided to do now what job and where he will apply if he need any help from her . Win already decided to share his ultimate decision of his earning money with his only friend so keeping a straight face he said "I think I need a sugar daddy". Pink burst her beer in her mouth she choked and start coughing continuously for a long minutes right after Win drops his bomb on her.

Short chapter for now. In Next chapter daddy will make his entry ✨

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