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"I need a Sugar daddy" Win said keeping a straight face. " Excuse me? I think I heard you wrong bun…" Pink asked shockingly to Win and Win rolled his eyes on his crazy friend and said "You didn't hear it wrong Pink the Pingu. I needed a sugar daddy. Like right now to save my ass before I become more poor and loose my most favorite designer limited edition clothes".

Pink blinks his wide eyes furiously she can't believe what his best friend decided to look for and his solution to save his ass is to get himself ba Dad. She asked Win in all seriousness

"Bun You are kidding Right? "

"I’m not kidding Pink the Pingu". Win confirm her before sipping onto his beer again. "Why… Why would you need a....... D...Dad? " Pink stutters and she also looks so flustered her cheeks gone deep red after hearing .

Win narrows his eyes on her, as if checking is she drunk already and asking him the most stupidest question.

"Dad? it's Sugar daddy and Who is older Mature, Rich guy, and most definitely not interested in becoming a Dad."

Pink looks more flustered, "I-I know that! I mean why would you need that kind of... relationship in first place, you're already rich you yourself can become a Daddy for ten guys if you joined your dad business or I suggest you can also become a wife you got that stamina to get fuck straight for 10 times, all men drools over you?”

Win Humm and casually said "I know it's Easy for me to wrapped any men around my finger. So I guess for me the best job is to become a baby to my Sugar daddy it will bring money and I will get pleasure too. Without working my ass off doing 9-5 job"

Poor Pink, she chokes on her drink again hearing the justification of Win decision.
"Win you are the heir of your father’s company. You don’t need money. You are rich enough to keep 10 daddies for yourself only if you apologize and joined your father business" . Pink tried again but Win revert in annoyance now "Sure. But my father is stinky now And that’s why I need a sugar daddy. There is a new collection from my favorite designer coming out in a week. I don't have much time and cash with me, other than to pay for foods for few days. So you better shoo from here now I need to look for my daddy before I go to sleep".

Pink mokingly laugh at Win "The son of Metawin Energy Co. is penniless and wanted sugar daddy urgent apply now if you're interested?” Win slaps the side arm of his bitch friend "You are a bad friend. You should be helping me finding nice and rich sugar Daddy! And not making fun of your only friend you bitch” He protests.

"Your daddy issues is not my problem you trick. This is between you and your dad . And your sugar... whatever it is." Pink said in sarcastic and playful tone

Win throws the crumpled tissues towards her muttering "I hate you bitch. Pink retorted quickly "I hate you too Fucker go fuck yourself until you find yourself a nasty rich old daddy."
Pink laughs once again as she left to go back her home leaving Win alone in his flat.

After Pink left Win took his shower after clean up the mess they create in dining area then he went jump on his bed and open his laptop. He thought of the website which he remembers while surfing earlier he came across , it seems interesting and the profiles of some men on home page looks pretty too. Win licks his lips in anticipation as he clicks on the button and create an account first

He finds this website before but never try and now it's perfect opportunity to try and explore SweetBabySugarDaddy.com . The website seems promising and he just can’t wait anymore to find his sugar Daddy for himself.

This seems interesting and all but he can’t help but to feel a bit nervous looking all muscling macho men profiles. He was sure people in the website won’t recognize him if he fill his name with his nickname Bun. In all excitement and nervousness Win fill all the necessary information and created his account on SweetBabySugarDaddy.com

Account created. Thank you for joining he got the confirmation message from the website.

"Alright..." Win mutters under his breath as he leans closer towards his laptop screen to get a better view of profile pictures of daddies available.

He already decided he will not be choosing any stinky pervert old man as his sugar daddy. It won’t be exciting and fun at all

Choose one:

Sweet Baby

Sugar Daddy

Of course sugar daddy, Win is a bottom. And he is in need of money and pleasure both.

Various names and profiles pop On the screen. Win chews on his thumb. So many profiles available he was getting little confuse? There were lots of potential names and nice faces.

Shahrukh, Salman, Akshay , Shahid, John, Ajay.

All of these names have the quite decent faces which grab Win’s attention he save all this profile to go through them again in his free time later. Then There was one more name that grabs his attention but it was a profile without a profile picture.

Bright ArWin

He like the name, they both have Win common so maybe they could get it off better together? Win thought

It was really idiotic explanation but Win knew it.... Well who cares the important part is he like the name so shrugging nonchalantly Win clicks on the linked profile and the website ask him to enter the first greeting.

Bun: hi

The reply unexpectedly came quickly though, and Win was nothing but very surprise and shocked

Bright ArWin: Hi there, sweet cheeks.

Win muttered 'Fuck!'

Win chews on his lower lips in nervousness, he thought whether to reply him or not, after pondering for few second he finally decided to go for it and reply to

Bun : How should I call you, Mr ArWin ?

Bright ArWin: Mr ArWin is my father, so call me with my name Bright. Unless you want to do this with my old man.

Eww no way Win wants his father in picture

Bright ArWin: Alright. How about you tell me your name now? Or at least nickname if you were not comfortable with your real name?

Win thought the guys is straight forward and he likes it & he already like the name too Bright

Win internally mewls because he started imagine himself moaning onto that name, while clinging onto a pair of bulky arms of the faceless guy.

Bun: I like your name Bright

Bright ArWin : Give me yours

Win internally thought once again No one will recognize him if he use his nickname right? But while typing his nickname in all excitement he did a typo and realized a little late after sending his reply

Bun: for now you can call me bum

Bright ArWin : Bum. Bum as in ass? 😉

Next chapter Daddy and his Baby will meet for the first time 🤍

Sorry for repeating names, you will believe if I tell you I don't think off any nice names to use in my story when I write my chapter, Yes, ofcourse, except Bright Win  🙈😅

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