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"I have been considering in making your father's company as my business partner for so long. So after I see your potential, I know that I don't have to doubt anymore."

Bright smiles and opens his arms, telling Win to get closer and get into his arms. Win reluctantly obeys and he sighs into the broad shoulder while wrapping his arms around the Bright waist.

"You will be such a great chairman one day, Win" Bright very softly muttered

Win nods his head, a bit shy to be complimented this much.

"And about the other one?" Win asks, voice muffled against Bright's fabric.

Bright chuckles and squeezes his sides.

"I tell your father that I'm your boyfriend?"

Win breathes and slowly nods

"Why did you tell him that?" Win ask

He is curious with the answer. Bright is making him feels like riding a freaking roller coaster.

"First, I can't totally tell him that I'm your sugar daddy, right?" He whispers, licking Win's earlobe afterwards.

Win shudders at the thought letting his dad know he got sugar daddy for himself so he nods.

"T-Then why?"

"Second reason is because I Love You, baby"

Win fists his daddy's shirt on his waist.

"You do?"

"I do. I'm quite territorial over what I like and what I own so I can't imagine you spending your time like this with other men."

Oh holy fucking sunshine. Did Bright just confessed?


"Be completely mine, baby ? Let's put a proper name in this relationship between us. Boyfriends?" Bright asks and the question sends Win to cloud nine.

"I... A..Are you serious b Bright?" Win whimpers weakly. His heart feels like it's going to jump out from his chest

Bright leans back to kiss his baby lips.

"Does this answer your question?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed cockily and plump lips forming into a sweet smile.

Win blinks before he throws himself on Bright and kiss. Bright smiles against Win's mouth, hands coming down to cup his as.s.

"Now, for the celebration part" He whispers, voice dropping dangerously low.

Win yelps when he is being spun around until all he can see is the kitchen wall and he is being bent over the kitchen counter.

"Have you ever imagined yourself having kitchen sex?" Bright whispers into his ear, arms wrapping from behind, and cro.tch resting on Win a$$.

Win mewls.

"Ah, ah, ah, ahh, d-daddy!!"

Co.ck thrusting in and out of him while his nipples are being twisted roughly by his daddy's fingers. You're are being a very good boy. Taking my co.ck so well in your buttery as.s"

Win drools while he is being pounded from behind by his sugar daddy no scratch that by his boyfriend Bright. Their clothes are scattered all over the kitchen floor but no one cares because the high pitched mewls and moans Win is making are driving both of them crazy.

His own fingers are gripping onto the marble counter to hold himself from slamming against the kitchen counter as Bright is fucking him senselessly.

It's for the celebration of having the first sex as boyfriends he says.

A hand slaps his ass cheek and Win whimpers, feeling it jiggles from the harsh movement. He can feel Bright's hard hipbones digging into his butt cheeks on each thrust he is delivering.

It won't be surprising to find his ass bruised later.

"Did you want me to fuck you more baby or do you want to come?" Bright asks, hovering over his back and fastening the pace of his hips moving.

"Ngggh... yes c...come!!"

"Come for me baby, Scream my name"

Win gasps for air, his whole body shaking in excitement and over stimulation before he arches his back and comes all over the marble kitchen counter.

"Bright Aah!"

He doesn't need time to rest because as soon as Bright reaches his orgsm, they shuffle into the bathroom to continue with more rounds of Fks

Next day morning "Baby? You are awake?" Bright's voice rings in Win ear and he smiles into the comforter.

His fingers come in contact with something solid but soft and that something moves closer to him.

"Sleep well? Do you want to have breakfast in bed, baby?"

Win mewls at the comfortable feeling blanketing him. He unconsciously moves closer to bury his face into whatever it is, but then he realizes that it's Bright's for it's vibrating when the older guy laughs.

"So adorable you are. I'm getting the breakfast in bed for us..... baby.....let me go for a moment." He says gently, patting Win's on his head.

Win whines childishly, he gripped got more tighter.

"Don't test me kitten. You won't like to get punish in such an early morning." He whispers while squeezing Win's bare ass, eliciting a shriek from the other.

Win pouts and reluctantly lets Bright go, only then to smile when his pouting lips get a quick morning kiss.

"Wake up.... wake up... baby." Bright chuckles before leaving the bed.

Win opens his eyes and catches the sight of Bright's back muscles contracting when he walks towards the door only with boxers hanging dangerously lowly around his hips. Oh such an amazing sight to stare at every morning.

His phone beeps He received a text message from Pink, Win reaches for it on the drawer and read.

'MetaWin fuking Win why the fk do I get a message from someone named light sending a half naked photo and offering me his di.kc to ride ! You fukr!'

You are welcome, Pingu

Win laughs loudly while thumping his legs up and down. That website is genius.

"What's so funny, baby?" Bright comes with an amused smile on his lips while holding onto a tray full of delicious looking breakfast.

Win giggles, shaking his head.

"Nothing. Just... finding my friend a pretty sugar baby" Then he giggles again.

Bright watches Win fondly with amusement written all over his face but then he smiles up when Win leans forward to kiss his lips.

Yep. Win is one lucky guy to find his Sugar daddy in his boyfriend.

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