I'll be your Lloyd Dobbler

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(Hey guys I already posted a status about this but I'm not changing this or any other fan fic cause of what happened hope you enjoy.)

(Frank's POV)

I woke up with Gerard still in my arms. I smiled to my self. He let me hold him last night I didn't expect him to. I watched him sleep until his eyes fluttered open. He smiled slightly.

"Good mor..." he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. Holy shit why is he doing this? After a while he pulled away.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to see if it would help me remember anything." he smiled at me.

"Did it work?"

"I'm not sure exactly but you are a very good kisser."

He got up and went to the bathroom leaving me in shock. I put some clothes on and went into the kitchen. I made some coffee and sat at the table. I hope Gee gets his memory back soon!

I went into his bedroom and searched around for some paper and a pen. I found a notebook and a pen and started writing. Writing a song for Gerard to be exact.

I looked at the few lines I had.

"Why are you so far away? Even when you're standing next to me..."

And that was it. I closed the notebook and put it in my backpack. I had mega writers block for this song. I'm sure I'll figure it out sooner or later.

(A week and a half later Frank's POV)

I ran to the car and got into the passengers seat. Mikey flipped me off and climbed into the back. Gerard got in the drivers side and we were off to hell.

It's been around ten days since I started writing that's song and I think I'm getting close to finishing it. But ten days since the song means around twelve days since Gerard lost his memory and still nothing. He say some things are familiar but none of them are important.

I got out and went to my locker. Gerard could go to his locker on his own now since he knows the combination and everything. I got my shit and met Gee outside the art room. I smiled at him and kissed his nose. We went in and sat down in the back as always. When the bell rang I walked Gerard to his next class then I was off to Math. I fucking hate math. I walked in sat in the back stuck my headphones in and just thought.

I worked on my song a little more and I think I finally got it.

' Why are you so far away even when you're standing next to me? Your eyes give you away, telling secrets when your mouth doesn't feel like talking.

And I'll be your Lloyd Dobbler with a boom box out in the street. I'll be there if you need someone, even if it isn't me.

Lying in your bed as lights dance across the ceiling, I listen to you breathe and toss and turn in your sleep. I wish that you'd believe

That I'd be your Lloyd Dobbler with a boom box out in the street. I'll be there if you need some one even of it isn't me.

There's a Norman Rockwell painting of two kids sitting on a beach. It reminds me of all the stupid things I'd like for us to share, but I don't care. '

I think it came out good I just hope Gerard likes it. The bell rang and I started walking towards my locker. I saw Gerard at his locker and thought I'd go say hi. Then from around they corner came Jerry Clark and his gang of assholes.

"Hey emo piece of shit." he spat out at Gerard.

I started to walk over ready to tell him off, but he punched Gee in the stomach and he fell to the ground. Jerry kicked him in the ribs with all his might. Then he picked him up and slammed him back down. His head hit the ground hard. It all happened so fast.

They all walked away laughing and I ran to Gerard. I picked him up swiftly. I didn't even bother going to the nurse. I grabbed Ray's arm as I passed him and he came with me without a word. I got Gerard's keys out and tossed them to Ray. I got in the back with Gerard in my lap. Ray got in and we were off to the hospital.

When we got there I got out of the car as fast as I could with Gerard in my arms. I walked into the emergency entrance Ray close behind. The lady at the front desk barely even noticed we were standing there. Luckily a nurse walked by and quickly escorted us to an empty room where I put Gerard on the bed. Ray sat down in one of the chairs by the door and I pulled a chair up next to Gerard's hospital bed.

The nurse put in and IV and hooked him up to a heart monitor. I didn't have to squeeze his hand this time cause he was knocked out cold.

My poor baby he lost his memory and now he's lying knocked out in a hospital bed. And all we can do now is wait. I wrested my head on Gerard's bed and slowly drifted of to sleep.

- - -

I woke up and saw that Mikey and Bob were here too. I looked at Gerard who started to stir in his sleep. Finally! He opened his eyes slowly looking confused.

"Frankie... What happened?"

"Oh thank god Gerard you're oka... Wait did you just call me Frankie?!" he hadn't called me Frankie since before he lost his memory!

"Yeah? I barely ever call you Frank you know that." a huge smile spread across my face. And I wrapped him in a huge hug.

"GERARD YOU GOT YOUR MEMORY BACK!" I squealed he looked at me confused again.

"Umm... When did it leave?" I just giggled and held him tight. I then planted a big kiss on his soft lips. I felt him smile in delight. He licked my bottom lip and I let his tongue in to wrestle with mine. I couldn't believe it I got my Baby back!

I pulled away and dug through my back pack. I shooed the others away so me and Gee could be alone. I pulled out the notebook and smiled at Gee. I began to sing the song. His song.

(Hope you guys enjoyed be happy Gerard got his memory back. Yay!


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