Those Few Glances

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(Frank's POV)

Things have been going a lot better lately. I still have that feeling in the back of my mind that I wasn't going to live to see my next birthday. But I suppressed it and focused on making sure everything was perfect for tonight. Gerard and I's one year anniversary.

I walked out of the house to pick up the customized sketch book I had ordered for Gerard. I had it waiting at the post office cause I didn't want to risk Gee seeing it when he got the mail.

I decided to keep it in the packaging it came in because I know how much he enjoys things that are different. I mean normal person would probably wrap it or put it in a nice bag or at least stick a bow on it but I'm lazy.

I'm waiting at the cafe on the corner where Gerard's gonna pick me up. I can't wait to see him.


(Gerard's POV)

I walk into the cafe to see Frankie in the back corner sipping coffee. He doesn't notice me till I'm standing beside the table.

"Holy shit Gerard, where'd your hair go?" he asked when he looked up at me.

I smiled at him when I sat down next to him. "It was to my shoulders Frankie." I stated simply.

He just giggle and kissed my cheek. "Well I like it, it's cute." he ruffled my hair as I stole a sip of his coffee.

He lightly hit my arm and giggled again. I stood up and held my hand out for him to take. I helped him up and we walked out to my car to head to the fair.

As we were driving I kept glancing over at him, he had a content expression. He was completely calm and happy with just being near me and I felt the same.

Those few glances were a mistake.

I took one last long glance at him and we exchanged "I love you's". I didn't see the cross roads we had come to, I didn't see the stop light, I didn't see the three other cars. The only thing I saw was Frank's smiling face.

And that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


I opened my eyes a crack, it was loud and I could hear sirens. I was in an Ambulance. I opened my eyes fully and looked around frantically for Frank. I saw him laying next to me unconscious hooked up to an oxygen tank. Bleeding in god knows how many places, broken.

I frantically started to reach for his hand, a paramedic speaking to me but I ignored her. She started trying to calm me down to no avail.

She stuck a needle in my arm before I could protest and I was asleep in seconds.


I woke to a harsh white light and closed my eyes once again. Fuck that's bright. Then I thought for a second and the image of Frank's unconscious body came to my mind. My eyes shot open and adjusted to the light.

I was in a hospital bed, my leg raised a bit above my bed, broken. I had bruises and scrapes all over my body, I could taste the blood on my lip. I moved my hand to feel the bandage on my forehead and winced in pain.

A nurse walked in with a tray of what I could only assume to be pain killers. She gave a sympathetic smile and placed the tray on a stand beside my bed. It was then that I noticed what ever was on my person during the accident on the side table.

My phone, wallet, pack of gum, a small notebook I carry around, and the small black box that was burning a hole in my pocket only hours earlier. That small box containing an engagement ring for Frank. I know we're young and it's stupid but I love him more than anything.

The nurse said my name and I looked up at her.

"Hmm?" I questioned.

"Just take these for the pain and then we've done all we can do for you." she handed me the pills and the water.

"Thank you." I pulled the best fake smile I could muster. "Can I see Frank?"

"The boy that was in the car with you?" she asked quietly with a sad expression.

"Yes, is he alright?"

"Here put these on first dear." she handed me a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt.

She lowered my leg for me and helped me swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stripped myself of my hospital gown so I was in nothing but my boxers. I pulled the shirt over my head and she helped pull the pants over my cast.

"All set then, take these and follow me hon." she handed me some crutches and I stood after a couple tries.

We emerged into the bright hallway and I followed her slowly down to a different wing of the hospital. It was the wing for intensive care.

I took a deep breath as she opened the door too his room. I gasped a bit when I saw him lying there. He was cut up everywhere and he had a black eye and a bruised nose. His right arm was broken and I'm sure there was more that I couldn't see. There was a Doctor standing by his bed.

"Are you Mr. Way?" the doctor asked I simply nodded as a tear slipped down my cheek. "I'm Dr. Hanes, now Mr. Iero has experienced severe head trauma, injuries to most of his body including three broken ribs and a broken arm." he stated. "There is a good chance he won't wake up for a while... if at all." He said quietly and I let out a small sob.

My Poor Frankie.

(A/N: I think this might be the longest chapter I've written for this story. The next chapter will be the last. xoacidicblood)

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