The Band

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(hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a little while I've had a lot going on but I'm updating now aren't I yeah ignore any mistakes or anything I'm too lazy to proof read enjoy)

(Gerard's POV)

I thought about it for a second I think we really could start a band! I mean we have friends that play instruments, Frank plays guitar, Mikey started playing the bass a few months ago and he's already good enough to be in a band, we can so do it!

"So? What do you think?!" Frank was so excited to hear my answer, that's so cute! " I think it's a great idea!" his eyes lit up. "Really?! Oh this is great we're gonna have so much fun doing this! I can't wait!" he scrambled up as the bell rang his usual hyper ness exploding out of him even more. Jesus I love that man. I got up and pulled the hyper Frank towards the door. "C,mon it's time for lunch!" he looked confused. "So whats so great about that?" I looked at him with a 'you really don't know' expression on my face. "That means bad food and make out session in the back of the cafeteria." that got his attention. "Really?!" he looked at me with hopeful eyes a wild excited grin on his face. "Yes, Really." I said calmly he clung to me, I put my arm around his shoulder. He guess he didn't expect me to be so open about it. But why not its great having him around more. We walked over to the far corner of the cafeteria, getting some weird looks on the way over but I didn't give a single fuck.

We got over to the small back table with to old plastic chairs. Frank sat down in one then sat me on his lap. Well isn't someone in a hurry. I leaned into him letting our lips crash together. My eyes fluttered closed and I let him take control. He licked my bottom lip and I let him in. Our tongues fought for dominance. I heard I few snickers from around us, and I took one of my hands from around franks neck to flip them off. It didn't stop them but I didn't care. I could feel Frank getting tense. I just held him tighter.

That's when the bell rang and we pulled apart. We got up and I put my arms around Franks shoulder he put his around my waste and we walked to class. We got a few snickers and insults thrown our way but I honestly didn't care. One kid actually asked us what the hell we we're thinking. I felt Frank cringe. I kicked the kid in the balls and pulled Frank away.

(Frank's POV)

We walked down the hall towards our next class. I was more nervous than ever. But Gerard kept it cool he was completely comfortable. So why am I so tense. Gerard Rubbed my shoulder a little. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. He squeezed me a little tighter as we approached our next class. Gym. We entered the boys locker room when I realized I forgot my gym clothes. Gerard did too so we went in the gym and sat on the bleachers. We aren't allowed to participate now which was how I liked it. I got up and Gerard looked confused. "C'mon we're going to the corner between the bleachers and the wall." I smirked at him and he smiled and got up quickly.

We made our way over to our destination in the empty gym. Everyone was still getting changed. I sat down and pulled Gerard on top of me. He smiled happily and kissed my forehead. I lifted his shirt down a little to inspect where he had my love bight. It still hadn't faded and he grinned at me again. "You want one too?" he asked me suggestively. "Not here if a teacher catches you sucking on my neck we're both dead." he gave me a pouty face. I gave him a 'you know it's true' look and he sucked his bottom lip back in. He just snuggled in close to me and started humming. I decided why not start singing to him. I opened my mouth and started singing. He looked up at me with a huge smile on his face. So I guess he didn't know I could sing either. This band is gonna rock!

(The next day Frank's POV)

I woke up to see Gerard lying next to me knocked out. I told my mom about me and Gee yesterday and she decided she doesn't care if I wanna stay with him he lives close enough to her house so I can visit. I got up and steeped out into the hallway. I really had to pee so I went to the bathroom and did my business. When I got back in Gerard's messy bedroom I plopped back down on the bed. This made Gerard grown, oops guess I woke him up. I rolled onto him and squeezed him tight. "Hey Gee!" I squeaked he smiled at me. "Hi Frankie, what ya doin?" he looked at me confused. "Hugging you" I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes and hugged me back. "I love you Frank" he sighed. "I love you too Gerard." we just lay there snuggling for a while. It was about 10:00 am we told the guys to skip school and meet us at the café on the corner for lunch. We're gonna discuss the band.

I'm so excited I love playing my guitar, which I named Pansy. I really hope the guys are up for this too. We could save kids live with our music and it'll be great!

(Gerard's POV)

It's lunch time lets do this. "Frank it's time to go." I hollered down the hall. "OKAY GEE!" he practically screamed back. "Mikey get you lazy ass out of your room it's time to go!" I heard a few grumbles then the sound of his feet hitting the ground. He came out with a beanie resting on his head and his glasses at the end of his nose. He pushed them up and shoved his converse on. Then Frank came out looking super sexy and he shoved on his converse and I shoved on mine them my leather jacket.

We all came out the door at once and Frank yelled. "SHOTGUN!" Mikey replied with "NOT IF I GET THERE FIRST MIDGET!" of coarse they then sprinted across the lot towards my car. Frank got there first and shoved him self in. Mikey just folded his arms and got in the back, the pouty pants. I casually walked over and got in the drivers side.

We pulled up onto the curb in front of the café. I got out and open the door for Frank. He gave me the cutest smile ever and kissed my cheek. "C'mon love birds time to get inside." Mikey groaned at us. We walked in and saw Bob and Ray situated in a booth in the back of the café.

"Hey Guys!" I said with a smile they smiled back and said hello to the rest of us. I sat down up against the wall and Frank snuggled in next to me. Mikey just awkwardly sat beside us. The most likely slutiest waitress ever started to approach us. Jesus Christ she could wear a skirt that actually covers her ass.

(Frank's POV)

A super skank waitress was coming over to us. She had a massive smirk on her face and she was staring at my Gerard! That little slut if she thinks she's gonna get any where near him she has another thing coming.

So I turned to Gerard and looked into his eyes. Then I planted a kiss on his soft pale lips. I heard that little whore's heels stop clomping in there tracks. I pulled away to see everyone with in a five foot radius staring at us. The waitress's mouth was hanging wide open and she quickly turned around and got someone else to take our table. Fuck yes I made her leave us alone and Gerard looked grateful for that.

"Okay now about why we're here.." I started but a different less slutty waitress interrupted. "What can I get you boys today?" she asked with a smile. She was actually pretty fucking bad ass. I saw her staring at Bob and smirked a little. It seems like everyone but Bob noticed. When she walked away I kicked Bob under the table.

"Oww Shit! What the hell was that for?!" he hissed. "Are you really that clueless? She was totally into you!" he looked at me with a confused expression. "Wait really?!" he was seriously surprised by this. "Hell yeah man you should go for it!" every one else nodded in agreement. "Alright I think I will."

The waitress came back with our orders. And I noticed that she had put her number on Bob's napkin. He looked up at her and she smiled. Aww this is just too cute!

"Okay back to the band" Gerard started to say. "Wait you guys wanna start a band!? Then hell yeah let's do it!"

(Hey guys hope you enjoyed

Again I don't bother my ass looking over this for typos so if they're in there to bad.

xoacidicblood <3)

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