High schools a Bitch

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(Frank's POV)

I woke up to see Gerard no longer lying next to me. Where could that sexy fucker be? I decided to get up and go look for him. I walked down the few steps from the bedroom area to see Gerard standing at the kitchen counter with coffee in one hand and AP magazine in the other. He looked up when he heard my footsteps and smirked as he looked me up and down. "Good morning Frankie" he grinned staring at my bare torso. "mornin Gee" "Aww Gee? That's so cute" I just giggled and went to make some coffee.

Damn why did coffee taste so good. As I stood by the counter Gee came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Where's Mikey?" I asked. "Still in his room with Alicia." I decided to use my ninja skills and go see how they were doing.


I started slowly creeping up the steps and down the hallway. "Frankie what are you doing?" Gerard gave me a puzzled look. "Shhhh I'm gonna go all ninja on their asses and sneak into Mikey's room." I continued creeping down the hall way till I reached Mikey's door. I opened it slowly and peeked in. They were both asleep in Mikey's bed cuddling with each other. I slowly creeped over then started rolling around on the floor like a true ninja. I probably looked like a retarded monkey on crack having a seizer but hell it was fun.

I got up swiftly nearly tripping and falling on my face. Then I decided to do this asshole style. I put my hands on Mikey's shoulders and shook as hard as I fucking could. He shot up and looked around confused while Alicia just opened her eyes and blinked up at me.

"What the fuck Frank!?" hah it's always fun to piss off Mikey he just glares at you for a while. Alicia got over being shook awake and just kinda lay there. "You guys are too lazy get up." Mikey just grunted and a shoved the covers over them. "Fine stay and be lazy ya horny fuckers." I walked out and closed the door silently so Mikey wouldn't rip my head off later.

I walked back into the kitchen Gerard still drinking coffee and reading his magazine. We sure are gonna go through hell at school tomorrow.

(The next day Frank's POV)

I woke up to the smell of coffee. Mmmm. I quickly hopped out of Gerard's bed climbing over the various items scattered on the floor. I never really looked at his walls before. They were covered in various dark drawings and paintings. All of them fucking amazing. Could I have a more perfect boyfriend?

I continued on my journey to the kitchen not realizing how early it was. Jesus its 6:00 am oh well we do have to go to hell today. I walked into the kitchen to see a half naked Gerard standing by the counter with coffee in one hand a bagel in the other.

"Mornin' Gee." I said with a smile. "Hey Frankie, you sleep well?" his eyes lingered up and down my body, I forgot I didn't have a shirt on. "Since when do you get up before your late for school?" I winked at him stretching. "Couldn't sleep." I just nodded in his direction and got some coffee as Gee went to go wake up Mikey, hopefully ninja style.

Mikey came out following after Gerard with PJ pants an Iron Maiden tee and his usual grey beanie and glasses on. Gerard still just in PJ pants. I decided to go get dressed.

I went back into Gerard's room and rummaged through his drawers for clothes to steel. I decided on a Misfits shirt and the black skinnies I'm already wearing. Then applied a coat of black eyeliner that I also stole from Gerard. I shoved on my red converse and walked back to the kitchen. "Did you steel my shirt?" Gee had an amused expression on his face. "Yup go get dressed we gotta go soon." he strutted off in the direction of his bedroom. Sassy fucker.

He came back in a bad ass Smashing Pumpkins shirt, a pair of grey skinnies, a rainbow studded belt complete with rainbow chain and a pair of dark purple vans. His hair was the messy chin length mop it usually is and his eyes were lined with the black eyeliner I stole from him earlier. "Okay let's go, Mikey get your ass in here we gotta go." Mikey stumbled down the steps and into the kitchen where we were standing.

He was in an Anthrax T-shirt and a pair of black skinnies. His grey beanie placed on his head only showing his bangs and his glasses kept falling, like they always did, and he just pushed them up. His black eyeliner was applied carelessly and he shoved on a zip up Iron Maiden hoodie. We all walked out the door coffee at hand. We piled into Gerard's Trans-Am and drove off.

(Gerard's POV)

We pulled into the school parking lot and got out of the car. Frank was surprised to see me waiting for him. But just took his hand and he seemed to remember I was his boyfriend now and, he kissed my cheek. We didn't get any weird looks though cause everyone was wrapped up in their own stupid lives to notice.

We walked into the school and Mikey headed towards his locker. I followed Frank to his and he got all his shit together and we went to mine. But guess who was coming down the hall right when we did. Jerry Clark and a few of his ass holes were pounding down the hallway towards my locker. I felt Frank's hand tense up but I just squeezed it tighter and gave him a reassuring look. He gave a nervous smile and I just opened my locker and got the things I needed.

We were just about to walk away when they caught up to us. "Well well what do we have here? Looks like emo's got a boyfriend." an evil grin was play on his lips and Frank just put his head down cause he felt bad. "So why the fuck do you care? Asshole." shit wrong time to say that Frank cringed when he heard me but I saw a smile on his face. "What was that? Oh you're in trouble now emo." he picked up Frank and practically threw him across the corridor. His two assholes went to go terrorize my poor Frankie. Then he picked me up by my shirt collar and shoved me up against the lockers. "You and your little boyfriend are gonna pay now. FAGGOT!" I cringed and glanced over at Frank who was getting the living shit beat out of him. Something in me snapped then and I kicked Jerry in the balls. He fell over in pain and dropped me. I swiftly got up and went to help Frank. I pulled on one of the guys shirt collars and slammed his head against the wall he ran off then I beat the living shit out of the other one who them ran off too.

I knelt down next to Frank who was bloodied and bruised. "Frankie can you hear me?" I shook him slightly swinging him into my arms. He looked up at me with sad eyes. "Gerard I'm sorry this was all my fault!" he replied with a sad voice. "No it wasn't Frankie it wasn't anyones fault. C'mon lets get you cleaned up. I helped him up and we walked over to the bathroom.

I soaked some paper towels to clean off the blood. Once he was clean he didn't look too bad. There was less damage than I thought, some scratches and bruises and a few hurt ribs but he seemed okay. Tears started filling my eyes as I thought of how much worse it could have been. He just wrapped his arms around my neck and planted a kiss on my lips. Our tongues fought for dominance as it continued. Then the bell rang indicating the end of first period I slowly pulled away and we went off to our second period class, which we had together.

(Frank's POV)

We walked in a little late to art class our teacher not even giving a fuck. We both sat down in the back where no one would notice us. We talked the entire class about everything from music to how evil red squirrels are. It was great then when the bell rang Gerard took my hand he didn't care if anyone saw and neither did I. We walked to our lockers to put our stuff away since we had a free period now, we were going to the library. We got in and headed to the back corner by the window. We sat and just talked about things. We were in the poetry section so I picked up a book and started reading from it. Gerard just giggled at me then it got real quiet. I decided to make the first move and put my head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around me protectively. Then he started to sing softly to me, I never realized what an amazing voice he had. He was singing Disarm by The Smashing Pumpkins. I guess it fit.

He was singing different songs to me that whole time and I just sat and listened. He had a really beautiful voice. And I guess I never noticed before but he does look like Billy Corgan in many ways just shorter. Wait I play guitar and so does Ray and I'm pretty sure Mikey plays bass and Bob plays drums... "Gerard we should start a band!"

(I hope you guys like the story so far and yes red squirrels are evil they throw nuts at people the crazy little bastards... Anyways. - xoacidicblood)

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