Chapter 1 Butterfly Girl

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(e/c), eye colour

(h/c), hair colour

(f/c), favourite colour

"Don't run too far!!!!" Mrs Tokito shouted.

It was the first day of the sakura blossom. You see, these kinds of events are important to most Japanese people. Families would go to where the flower blooms and have hanami* together under the sakura tree. Most of the neighbourhood were having hanami in the area where the sakura bloomed. And of course, it's no exception for the Tokitos.

"Mom! Look, there is a butterfly." Seven year old Muichirou pointed.

"Shhhh, mom is on a call with our new neighbour!!!" Yuichirou, Muichirou's older twin brother told him.

"Oh no!! The butterfly is flying away!" Muichirou stood up and ran, following after the butterfly.

"Oi! Don't go too far!"Yuichirou shouted, while sneaking a packet of juice from the picnic basket.

Muichirou turned and gave a thumbs up, then continued to follow the butterfly.

Yuichirou then looked down at the drink.

"Huh?! Broccoli juice???"

Muichirou followed the butterfly to another part of the park where he often played with his friend group.

"Eh?" Muichirou realised that a lot of butterflies, including the one he spotted, are all flying towards the same direction. A hidden place with wisteria over it, hiding the location from view.

"No wonder Tanjirou-nii san always smell wisteria when we play here"

He moved the wisteria aside, allowing himself to enter the hidden part of the park.

Sitting down on grass was a young girl with a butterfly clip on her (h/c) hair. She has a set of dreamy (e/c) coloured eyes. The girl was wearing a sleeveless (f/c) colour dress with butterfly designs on it. She has a butterfly resting on her finger, while being surrounded by a lot of butterflies.

"Woah" Muichirou whispered. The girl didn't seem to notice Muichirou, until Muichirou accidently fell down because he wasn't watching his steps. The girl immediately looked up, only to see Muichirou covered with dirt. Muichirou looked embarrassed, so he stepped back and ran all the way back to his parents.

Fun facts:

-The Kochos were actually meeting up with the Tokitos, but because they just moved to the neighbourhood, they got lost in the park so they decided to stay at a spot to have hanami.

-The person that was on the call with Mrs Tokito was Kanae.

-Muichirou and his friends actually considered exploring the place beyond the wisteria. But because Senjurou said, "Nii-san said that in the past, wisteria are used to keep demons out." Zenitsu freaked out and the gang decided not to go there.

-Muichirou slipped because he was stunned by the view.

-Broccoli juice cuz why not

*Hanami is an event where families, friends or even schools hangout together, have picnics while enjoying the view of the sakura blossoms. Hanami literally means "watching blossoms," and the tradition can be traced back at least a thousand years.

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