Chapter 1: The Present i

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Belle woke up again from the nightmare she had been having for the past few nights...
The sky being turned blood red and a lady dressed in white dress that was covered in blood due her having a spear in her back and a sword in her stomach. She remembered distinctly a male running up to the lady with tears flowing from his eyes. The male was dressed in a metal armour and he was clean shaven with long jet black hair. His eyes were stone grey and he was tanned with an impressive built and jawline.
She couldn't help but feel tears escaping her eyes every time she thought the scenario. She laid back in her bed and tried to hush herself to bed but it never helped. Belle could distinctly hear that voice in her head...crying and wailing for the lady to return.
Her heart began to ache. She breathed in deeply before getting up from the bed and proceeding to the bathroom. She looked up in the mirror of the wash basin and rinsed her face multiple times.
"What's wrong with me?.....Why am I only being troubled with this dreams?...Why me?...Why does 'he' always make me cry?....Who is he???" She asked herself again before looking back in the mirror.
"Get yourself together Belle, You are more than a pathetic crying loser." She says before turning and going back to her bed. She closed her eyes and fell off to sleep.
That next day, Belle woke up and go ready for campus. She wore a white vest and caramel coloured skirt with a jacket and bright red heels. She topped her look off with bright red lipstick and left her hair open since it was already pin straight.
She walked to the dining room where her mom and dad were having breakfast. "Good morning mom and dad." She said in a bored tone before sitting down and taking something to eat.
"Good morning Belle, you looking nice today.....any special occasion?" Her father joyfully inquired. 'Well dad.....I can look however I want....I don't have to dress up for any special occasion." Belle abruptly says before a huge thud was heard.
They all looked up to see Belle's younger twin sister, Maya. She was 5 minutes younger than Belle but Belle was more favored since she was eldest born.
If someone had to compare both siblings, They would see that Belle was most favoured and Maya as always was never complimented upon.
Belle was fair in complexion with long straight black hair which she kept open or in a pony. She had a body of a model and always went all out in dressing. Maya was caramel complexioned with Long dark brown hair that touched the ground if she left it open hence she often preferred braiding her hair. She had a fit body with chubby cheeks.
Today Maya was dressed in a grey tank top on her blue denim jeans with her black jacket tied around her waist and grey takkies. She wore no makeup and her hair was in a bunch braid.
"Maya.....couldn't you find anything else to wear?" Bella asked in annoyance.
Maya just stared at Bella with her eyebrows arched. "Well, I wore this to look like a human and not a stuffed turkey like you." she replied angrily before storming out of the house.
Bella felt extremely insulted. She ate her breakfast in silence before heading out to school where she saw her boyfriend waiting for her at the gate. She softened up and got out of her car before running into his arms.
"Good morning my love." He says before planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Morning Josh..." She says with a smile.
"Let's go" He says with a bright smile making Bella nod and walk in.
Josh and Bella were dating for 2 years. He was part of the biking gang and he wasn't very bad looking. He had an impressive built and was tanned with black hair and friendly eyes.
Meanwhile, Maya was already in the school premises. She always went to the back grounds to sit beneath the cherry blossom tree and draw. Maya had a few friends and wasn't popular like her sister. She often preferred the quietness and nature around her.
Today like any day Maya sat under the Cherry Blossom tree dreaming for the day se could finally finish campus and move out of her parents home. All was well until her alarm went off signalling that her lectures were going to begin in 10 minutes. She smiled to herself and took her things to head to class. She walked past the relief roster to see that most of her teachers were absent and so.....she did what any standard highschool kid would do......runaway to the park!

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