Chapter 5 :The Present: iv

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If you uncomfortable with descriptions of abuse please scroll lower, past the second line of XXXX's

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Michael grinned at Josh as he tied him against the wall."Why are you doing this to me?" Josh asks only to earn a punch from Michael.

"You fxcked something that wasn't touched my BELLE....You going to have to pay for that..." Michael psychotically says before grabbing a whip and whipping Josh until blood began to seep from the lashes.

"Please stop,....I'm sorry!" Josh begged only to feel Michael shove cloth into his mouth and tape his mouth with ductape.

"You make too much of noise....shut up okay..."Michael says.

He picked up a surgical knife and began making small carvings on Josh's belly trailing to his lower regions. He suddenly jabbed the knife into Josh's abdomen.

He finally had his fill of torture ad proceeded to Josh's manhood.

'You should have not slept to Belle." He says before cutting it off Josh's body.

Josh immediately let out a loud muffled yell. He was broken. He felt so vulnerable before feeling a needle being jabbed into his neck...

"Sleep well Josh...." was the last thing he heard before losing consciousness.

Michael phoned his clean up crew who came and carried Josh away. He smiled to himself and walked back to the room where he kept Belle.

He walked in and saw Belle weeping by the bed.

"Why are you crying Belle?" He asked angrily making her turn and look at him.

"You hurt're not supposed to hurt anyone Lucien!" She yelled at him.

Michael smirked at hearing his old name but soon walked to her and held her face with his bloodied hands.

"Anthea...I will hurt and eliminate anyone that comes between us...." He says before slamming his lips on to hers.

Belle did not know what to she just let him have his way with her. What she didn't expect was he was going to go all the way with blood on his hands.

"What the hell!....Michael go and bathe before you think of touching me with your bloodied hands!" She yelled before pushing him away.

"Why Belle, do you not like this?....When I was King Lucien in the enjoyed when I made love to you like this." He says before grabbing her close.

"That was the past Lucien...PLEASE GO CLEAN UP!" She yelled making the male sigh and go clean up. After he came out of the bathroom, Belle raced to the sink and washed her face.

"Why am I giving in to him? why does my body submit to him???Why???" was the questions in her head before she dried her face and went to him to begin their day of sin......



" my clan's culture....If we are unwedded and saved by someone, that person becomes our significant other or should I say.....Our Mate my dear Rose..."

The moment Victor said those words, Elise's heart dropped. She barely even knew this man and suddenly he is fated to her.....IT NEVER MADE SENSE!

She just looked up at him angrily. "I don't even know you Victor, How will this possibly work?" She asked before grabbing a hair tie and bunching up her hair.

"It's get to know me whilst I am with you and vice versa." He says before summoning flowers and fixing them in her hair.

Elise sighed and looked at him. "I'm not your standard girly type." She says making him turn her to him.

"I already guessed that from the moment you saved me.....The way you spoke, walked and touched me made me realize that I can make my mate the best warrior ever." Victor says before letting her go and snapping her hair tie.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" She asked angrily as her hair fell open wildly.

"You look much better like this." He says while placing more flowers in her hair.

"It sweeps the floor Victor." She says with a pout.

"Then allow me to trim it." He says before he sat Elise on a chair and trimmed her long hair to an inch below her knees.

Elise's eyes widened with joy at how he cut her hair. "THANK YOU....THANK YOU....ThAnK yOu!" She yelled before getting up and ruffling her hair.

"Mention not birthday us go celebrate." He says before catching her hand and teleporting to the fun fair at the park.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" She asked in amazement.

"Teleportation love...I'll teach it to you soon.." He says making her eyes widen with excitement.

"Okay...Rose...where do you want to go first?" Victor asks making Elise point to the rollercoaster.

"Let's go then." He says before completely healing himself using magic and carrying Elise to the rides.

(Time skip after a whole day of going on ALL the rides in park and eating alot of food.)

"That was awesome....Thank you Victor..." Elise says with a tired smile.

"You welcome Rose.....Let me carry you on my back.." He says before picking Elise up on his back.

"Can I ask you a question." Elise asked cutely.

"Okay...ask." Victor replied with a smile.

"How old are you Victor Hale?" She asked.

"You want the truth or lie?" he asked back.

"Both." she says.

"The Lie, I'm 23 years old....The truth, I'm 846 years old." He replied.

"Oldie goldie." She teased making him slightly tickle her.

"How old are you Rose?" He asks making her smile.

"I'll turn 20 years old when the clock chimes 18:35." She replied.

Victor looked up at the city clock to see it was 10 minutes to 18:35. He smiled. "Hold On..." He says before running to the nearest convenience store and buying a fresh cream cake and candles. He teleported to the top of the city clock tower and lit the candles.

"Make a wish..." he says making Elise smile and close her eyes before blowing out the candles.

"Happy birthday Elise...Rose...Jones." He says before feeding her cake and also eating cake.

At 00:00 he teleported a very tired Elise back to her room when she caught his hand.

"Victor....promise that you will not leave me?" She asks tiredly making him smile.

"I promise...I will no leave you until you ask me to." he says.

He laid on her bed gently and covered her with her duvet. "Goodnight Rose..." He says before going to the couch and pulling the cover over himself.....

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