Oh Rod..

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Maria was playing with her friend Emma by the farm. It was a simple game of cops and robbers. Nothing that would harm anyone.

It was a hot summer day by the farm and they decided to jump by the river.

A loud scream boomed out of their neighbor's cabin:

"What the hell?! Maria Alexandra Bailyn, your father's done it again!"

It was Madame Helga referring to Rod as he came home with a fist filled with blood, and a bruised knee.

"What've you done now?" Maria asked her injured father.

"If I didn't save myself, you wouldn't've been able to enter school dumbo!"

He said while he was laughing in pain. Something pretty usual for the somewhat cruel man with a big blob of humor dumped into his personality.

This was a thing with Rod. He's the man who will fight till his last breath to protect his daughter or her future from harm.

Maria Bailyn (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now