Two Blondes (Queenie)

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(A/n: a fluffy sisterly imagine, yes, the reader is Queenie and Tina's little sister, but she'll lean more towards Queenie in this chapter, enjoy!) (P.S: reader is 12 years old in this chapter,and she's kinda a mix of Queenie and Tina, has Queenie's golden blonde hair and Tina's chocolate brown eyes)


(Y/N) trotted towards the full length mirror in the corner of the room, scanning her reflection as she twirled around with a happy smile on her face, her sister, Queenie, had made her a new dress.

(Y/N) trotted towards the full length mirror in the corner of the room, scanning her reflection as she twirled around with a happy smile on her face, her sister, Queenie, had made her a new dress

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"I love it Queenie! You're the best!"

The little girl exclaimed as she threw herself towards her older sister, who caught her and spun her around as they hugged,

"Glad you like it munchkin, shall we?"

Queenie held the door bedroom door open and (Y/N) nodded, grabbing her little bag before walking out into the hallway with Queenie following closely behind.

(Y/N) had just returned home from Ilvermoney for summer break, and she was very happy to be home,she was so excited to roam around New York again that she didn't wanna waste a single second after she arrived back at home,and she had missed both Tina and Queenie, but she leaned more towards her blonde sister because they are both the closest, and also because (Y/N) share Queenie's golden blonde hair and legilemency skills, to which the two always bonded over.

It's not that (Y/N) doesn't love Tina, but she spends more time with Queenie because Tina always goes to work very early and comes home late, and Queenie spends more time at home than Tina, but of course (Y/N) still love her sister that share the same chocolate brown eyes with her, no matter how busy she may be.

The two girls pulled their coats on and slipped into their shoes, stepping out of the apartment door,

"We're going out Mrs.Esposito!"

Queenie yelled out to the apartment keeper as there went down the stairs, to which she was only replied with a grunt like 'okay'.

They stepped out of the building into the outside world, walking down the cold pavement hand on hand.

"So where are we going first Queenie?"

The twelve year old asked as she looked up at the taller blonde's face,

"Well we"re going to visit your favourite place ever, it's been a while since you had a niffler bread hasn't it?"

Queenie queeried, knowing the younger girl's love for the niffler shaped pastry.

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up, and she knew the exact place her sister is talking about, Jacob's bakery. She had grown very fond of Jacob, the cheerful man would often come around to their apartment to visit Queenie since they met each other, and (Y/N) ship it a lot for sure, along with Newt as well, she had met the shy man last winter during Christmas break, and she knew that her brunette sister had taken a liking for the hufflepuff, but because of the fiasco of magical creatures, she was left at home for safety, she was just a child after all, and both Tina and Queenie would blame themselves if the younger girl were to get injured.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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