Nothing But Happy Faces

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The plane ride wasn't long at all, maybe 30 minutes if that. I talked to Kai about it because if I was to go into labor here he might just have to take a jet to see me. I don't think it would be the smartest decision for me to fly.

We're currently in the car driving to my parents house. I'm so happy to see them! I know they are going to be happy about me being pregnant, I can't wait to get their reaction.

Zoey has been texting Charles the whole time. I don't blame her, she's been waiting for her mate forever. Who knew that he was out there just mated with another.

We finally made it to my parents house. I smiled at the house, it's been so long since I've been here.

"How do you think your parents will feel about the baby?" She asked, getting out of the car.

"Happy! They always wanted a grandchild and Zion can't have one because his mate isn't fertile." I said, looking at my stomach.

I always felt for Kylie. She has always wanted to be a mom and I have no doubt that she would've made a good one. I never thought about how this baby could affect her. Hopefully it doesn't make her uncomfortable.

"I forgot about that! Poor Kylie..." Zoey said, biting her lip.

"I got all of the bags, could one of you please get the door for me?" Jeremiah asked, holding all of our bags in his hands.

"Yeah of course" I said, walking up to the door. I placed my key in and opened the door for him to step in.

"Zara is that you?!" My mother yelled out. I smiled and stepped inside after Jeremiah.

She gasped so loud you would've thought she got punched in her chest. She instantly dropped down to her knees, eyes already filled with tears the second she looked at me. I smiled at her and tried my hardest not to cry with her.

My father soon walked over to the door to see why my mother was on the ground. His eyes landed right to my stomach and a large smile was planted on his face. He walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug and I laughed.

"When? How? What?!" My mother questioned all at once. I laughed at her and pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm about a month right now" I said, my father finally letting us go.

He looked down at my stomach and back at me. "Only a month?"

"I know, I think it's more than one. We're not sure. We choose to keep it a  Secret" I said, as they just looked me over.

Zoey squeezed past us and went right to the kitchen to see what they had cooked. I laughed to myself, she's been talking about food since we left.

"That's so exciting! You can be due any day now!" My mother cheered.

"That's why I'll only be down here for a few days and if the baby comes before I leave then Kai will just fly here" I said. I looked over to Jeremiah awkwardly standing there. "This is Jeremiah, he's here to watch over me"

"Nice to meet you, oh come sit your brother said he's on his way" she smiled, walking to the kitchen.

"Jeremiah, you can put the bags in my room. It's the first room down the hall." I said.

"Yes Luna" he nodded.

My father puffed out his chest proudly and wrapped his arms around me. "My son Alpha and my daughter Luna! I'm a proud dad!" He said.

"Soon to be proud grandpa" I added as we walked to the kitchen. Before we could sit down there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," my father said, kissing my head. I smiled and leaned into his embrace.

My mother made all of my favorite meal. Honey Buffalo chicken and cheese fries. My mouth started to water looking at the meal. I'm very easy to please! She plated  my food and placed it in front of me. God I hope I can actually eat it.

Soon Jeremiah came into the kitchen. He stood at the doorway watching me.

"You can take a seat if you want," my mother said, pulling out a chair.

Jeremiah looked over to me as if he was asking if that was okay.

"You can sit down Jeremiah. I know you're hungry" I said, nodding at him.

He smiled a little and took his seat. My mother made him a plate and he ate it slowly like he wasn't sure if he was allowed to.

"Where's my sister?" My brother called out. The amount of smiling I was doing today was going to have my face hurting but I didn't care! I stood up as he walked into the kitchen. His smile dropped once he saw me. He looked me over and quickly gave me an even bigger smile.

"Oh my goodness Zara congratulations!" Kylie yelled running up to me. She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged her back. "Oh wow may I?" She asked, pointing to my stomach.

"Of course," I said.

She placed her hands on my stomach and smiled. "I'm so happy for you! Oh please promise me I can babysit"

"Anytime you want" I said.

We all walked to our seats as my mother made everyone's plate.

"How have you been, I mean I clearly see that you and Alpha Kai's relationship is going good" my mother asked, taking a bite of her food.

"I've been good, this whole Luna thing is a lot to get used to " I said, stuffing my face.

"Tell me about it, it's a lot of pressure. You can always ask me for help" Kylie said.

Kylie is an amazing Luna. She's wise and strong. She makes it look so easy. Everyone in our pack loves her and every pack respects her. She moves with Grace and intelligence and is lucky to have her as a sister in law.

"I would really love that actually!" I smiled.

The rest of the night we just talked about my life at my new pack. I even encouraged Jeremiah to speak up about how he felt about things. We laughed and joked and I haven't felt like this in a while. I miss being around family. I would never want to leave Kai but I will have to visit.

I grunted a little as I felt the baby move. Everyone looked over at me with worried eyes. I reassured them that I was fine, but that did really hurt!

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