(A/n the things in black are tics so that way you know)
—Y/n's pov
I stood in front of my closet looking for what to wear. I decided to just wear a simple blue hoodie with black leggings.
I threw them on and walked downstairs to meet my brother. I let out a whistle and few clicks from my mouth.
"Morning Y/n." Said Tubbo sitting at the table.
I smiled and said, "good morning."
"I'm going to have some friends over if that's ok with you."
"That's-TALLLLLL BOYYYYY- ok with me." I let out another whistle.
Tubbo smiled, "If you want you can join us we're going to be streaming though. And yes Ranboo will be coming"
I nodded my head. "I'll think about it."
I walked out of the living room and grabbed a banana. I began to peal it but a tic got to me first. "Be free!" I shouted throwing the banana across the room followed by me banging me fist against the table.
I could hear Tubbo trying to muffle his laugh as he got up and gave the banana back to me. "Thanks." I said taking it from him.
The doorbell ran and I shouted, "Ding dong someone here!" And banged on the counter again.
"Yep someone is here." He responded.
We walk to the door together. Tubbo opened the door and in walked Ranboo. I've heard Tubbo talk about him and how he was coming to the uk. He said that he lived in America and he was staying here for a while.
"Hey Ranboo you made it." The two hugged each other and it was kinda funny how he had to bend down to hug him.
As the two walked in I started snapping aggressively. This was one of my cover tics and hitting my chest. Not always would these cover tics work though.
I followed the boys into the living room where they sat down. I walked over to the kitchen to get some water. I don't allow myself to use glass cups so instead I use plastic or rubber onds.
I filled my cup and took a sip.
"Y/n come here I want to introduce you to Ranboo."
I walked over to where the two sat. I sat down on the chair away from the boys. I hit my chest with my fist once trying to keep a tic in that I wanted to let out.
"Ranboo, Y/n, Y/n, Ranboo." Said Tubbo moving his hands back and forth.
I let out a short whistle and snapped aggressively again. Once I was done snapping I looked up at Ranboo.
"As you can tell I have torets." I said with a laugh.
Ranboo nodded. "Tubbo told me."
There was a silence before Tubbo chimed in, "So Y/n are you going to be joining us during the stream?"
I looked at him and hit my chest once more before answering, "I mean if everyone is fine with it."
Tubbo nodded as I snapped twice. "I'm sure they'll love to meet you."
The door rang again and Tubbo went to go get the door. Me and Ranboo turned to see who it was. Tommy ran in followed by three others who I didn't recognize. I whistled twice and Tommy saw me and laughed.
"Y/n didn't expect to see you!" He turned and saw Ranboo and smiled. "Ranboo my man!"
The other three walked in making small talk with Tubbo. I watched the come in and sit down. I stamped my foot and everyone stopped talking. "Sorry." I muttered.
"Your fine Y/n." Said Tubbo. "Alright introduction time!" He stood up.
I hit my chest again trying to cover up a tic.
"Ok everyone this is my twin Y/n. Y/n you know Tommy and Ranboo. Over there is Amisey, Billzo, and Freddie."
They all gave me a small wave. I stomped again, stood up and flopped back down on my chair. Everyone seemed confused except Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo.
"I have torets." I said looking at the floor. I swung my leg back and forth hitting the chair in the process.
"Ok shall we set up for the stream?" Asked Tubbo.
Everyone nodded their head and got up to help him. I walked back to the steps to go back to my room but I was stopped by someone gently grabbing my arm. I smacked whoever was hold my arm and said, "leave it!"
I saw Aimsey take a few steps back.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." I said embarrassed.
"Oh no your totally fine I just came over to introduce myself properly. As you know I'm Aimsey but you can call me Amy if you want."
She held out her hand for me to shake it but I smacked it instead. "Sorry." I said with a little foot stamp.
"Your ok." She put her hand back down.
"Aimsey, Y/n do you guys want to come on over we're gonna play monopoly?"
Aimsey turned to look at me. "Wanna be a team if we play teams?"
I nodded then shouted, "DOG!" I started snapping and whistling.
Aimsey smiled. "Come on let's win this."
The two walked over to to where the boys had monopoly set up. Tubbo and Tommy were a team and so were Billzo and Ranboo. Freddie decided to be banker because he thought that someone would steam from it.
We started the game and almost immediately I threw all my money and shouted, "confetti!"
Then I decided that Aimsey should hold onto it.
After about thirty minutes in Tubbo and Tommy were broke and Ranboo and Billzo has two properties and were basically broke as well. Then on the other hand me and Aimsey had all the properties and were rich.
The game ended ten minutes later to me and Aimsey winning.
After we Made the boys clean up we decided to go and show places to Ranboo to pass time. While we were walking Ranboo put a mask and glasses on. Tubbo did say something about how he doesn't want people to know what he looks like so that makes sense.
After we showed Ranboo a few things I saw this group of cosplayers dresses up as, George, Dream, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo.
I don't think the others saw them so I tapped Tubbo on the shoulder and said, "I want to do something. Get everyone to join in when I start recording."
Tubbo nodded his head.
I walked over and tried my best to keep in my tics. "Hi," I said in a friendly voice, "do you guys maybe want to make a tic tok with me?"
They were all really friendly and agreed. I set the camera up and showed them the song I wanted to do. It was the one where you move you hand back and forth over and under you other hand.
Once they were ready I pressed the ten second countdown. We all got in place and after a few seconds Tommy, Tubbo, Aimsey, Ranboo, Freddie, and Billzo all joined in.
It took the cosplayers a few seconds to realize the people who joined in. After the tic tok ended I took a bunch of photos of them all. The Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo cosplayers were so happy to meet the people they dressed up as. After a few minutes of fan interaction they had to get going.
We left and continued walking. And I was really proud of myself for not throwing a phone. I almost did but I covered it up with a bunch of snaps.
They day passed by really quickly so we decided to start heading back.
Once we reached the house it was around tenish so we decided to start the stream.
—words 1309–

Streaming up a storm
FanfictionY/n is Tubbo's twin and the two met up with a bunch of friends and stream a lot. Y/n has tortes and they have social anxiety. Their tics aren't that bad but sometimes they can be a pain and make bad things happen for them. (Other things to know) ...