Chapter three: (stream one pt.2)

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After I felt mentally ready to go I got out of my bed and walked down the steps. I lingered at the doorway for a little bit trying to get Tubbo's attention.

He spotted me and waved me over. "Hey Y/n we were just ready to carve pumpkins. Care to join us?"

When I saw the small knives laying on the table and imedently knew that it was a bad idea. Expesialy since it was late and my tics were more active then.

"I think I might sit this one out. I don't want to accidentally stab someone."

"Oh yeah I didn't think of that one." Said Tubbo sucking In a breath.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me." I said walking away.

"I feel bad for them." Whispered Aimsey to Tubbo.

"Yeah their probably just stressed." Tubbo responded.

"Hey Tubbo how are we gonna do this?" Asked Tommy holding his pumpkin.

"Well," he started. "We are going to get into teams of two. Then then chat will decide which pumpkin wins."

Ranboo and Billzo looked at each other a grinned. "Ranboo?" Bill cocked his head to the side a little then looked at the pumpkins with a smirk.

Ranboo returned the smirk and held out his hand. Bill took it and shook it.

"I here by declare me and Ranboo are a team." Said Billzo still shaking Ranboo's hand.

"Ok. Tommy do you want to be my partner?" Asked Tubbo.

Tommy nodded.

Aimsey turned to Freddie. "I guess that leave me and you."

He nodded his head.

The three groups started working in their pumpkins while I scrolled on Twitter.

I looked up and saw Tommy walking over towards me. I gave him a questioned look but he just waved me over towards him.

Me being bored I followed him.

He led me all they way outside. At this point I was wondering what was going on.

"I need your help with something." Said Tommy.

The blond could tell I was confused so he explained more.

"Wilbur is doing this arg and he needs our help."

"What does arg mean?" I asked. "Pirates ARG!!! Sorry"

"It means alternate reality game."

I nodded. "What do we do?"

Tommy smiled. "Well we just have make us look like we were doing stuff outside. So get some dirt and leaves in your hair."

I nodded my head and started to grab some sticks and put them in my h/l h/c hair. Occasionally i would chuck some mud or twigs and yell "be free" and make Tommy give a light laugh.

Once we were done getting our hair messy we walked back inside. Tommy stopped me in the living room and told me to just run in front of the camera really fast.

I obeyed and of course my tics decided to be mean and I shouted. "Baaaakaaaaa!" Before I could run.

I covered my face and Tommy just started dying. I could hear the group that was streaming just start laughing as well.

"Hi Y/n!" Shouted Tubbo.

"Was that a tic?" Questioned Billzo.

"Yeah." I said with a few whistles.

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