Chapter six: the flight

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TW:panic attack

I woke up to my alarm beeping at me so I mimicked it then smashed my hand onto it.

I groaned in pain. I held my hand and massaged it until the pain faded.

I got dressed into my cloths that I laid out the day before and threw them on.

It was just Tubbo's merch since I got it free and black sweatpants. I threw a pair of white vans painted yellow, white, purple, and black since those were my colors.

I grabbed my suitcase and carry on bag. I walked down the steps and stomped my foot once I was at the bottom. I had to bite my lip to keep me from shouting and waking up the others.

I set my items by the door and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. After a few failed attempts I finally got the egg inside the bowl of pancake mix. I mixed up the ingredients and prepared the griddle.

As I was waiting for it to heat up I cleaned up the eggs that I accidentally

I heard footsteps so I looked up and saw Ranboo walking down the steps. I clicked my tongue a few times.

"Morning." I said throwing away my trash.

"Morning." He grumbled rubbing his eyes.

He looked at the mess I made and gave me a sympathy smile. "Do you want me to help you?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah that would be help-woo-ful. I already cracked three eggs on the floor."

He chuckled and took over the pancakes.

I walked over to the couch and looked at the three sleeping on the couch. I gently woke up Aimsey but my tics just shook Billzo and Freddie awake.

"Sorry." I said when Bill glared at me.

I walked back over to Ranboo and grabbed a pancake off of the plate and started eating it.

"Do you just not use plates?" Asked Bill.

I shrugged.

"Ranboo did you wake up Tubbo yet?" Asked Aimsey grabbing a plate and pancakes and covering them with syrup.

He nodded.

"Bill do you want to know what I try not to use plates?" I asked after finished the bite I just took.

He hummed his response.

"Because last time I used a plate I smashed it on the floor-FLY BIRDIE!!!" I said throwing the last bit of my pancake. "Yeah that's what happened to my plate full of spaghetti." I said with a lot of head twitches.

"Oh." Bill said putting his blanket away.

"Yeah and then they made me help them clean it all up." Said Tubbo walking down the steps with his suitcases.

I smiled. "And you were very nice to me that day." I said picking up my pancake pice and eating it.

He rolled his eyes.

"Come-" I whistles like a twitter notification. "On you know you love me tubs." I popped a few ps.

"Wait did you just eat that from off of the floor?" Asked Freddie.

"What? Do you not do that?" I asked stomping my foot and whistling a few times.

He shook his head.

I shrugged and grabbed another pancakes determined to keep this one in my hand.

Once we all finished our breakfast we were out to the airport. Tubbo's parents drove use since we didn't want to take a car and leave it there.

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