Chaper seven: tag

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Tw:light cursing

We all were sitting on the couches talking about they plans for the tag game.

"Ok so I figured it out and we're going to try to raise $300,000 for St Jude's Children Hospital since they can use the money. The people who will be there are, all of us of course, 5up, cuptoast, captain sparkles, sneeg, Eret, Elaina, Ted, and Kara." Said Tubbo looking at his phone.

"Wow that's a lot of people." I said fidgeting with my fingers then snapping them.

"Yeah but everyone there is really nice I promise. And you'll have a partner to go along with so that way your not alone. We are most likely going to be paired with someone who knows this area so that way we don't get lost." Tubbo responded looking at me.

I nodded along with a head twitch.

Bill and Ranboo looked at each other then back at Tubbo.

Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Yes you guys can be partners."

"Yes." The two said under their breath.

-time skip to the event

We all stood in the parking lot with our masks on cause of covid while everyone set up their streams. I recently started streaming but since my account was small I figured the person I would be with would be able to raise more money.

I walked over to Tubbo who was starting up his stream.

"Is everyone almost here yet?" I asked popping a couple ps.

He nodded. "Also you can choose to go with whoever you want since we have an odd number of people. And don't be afraid to branch out and get to know some people."

I nodded and walked over to Aimsey and Freddie who were also starting up their stream.

"Oh hey Y/n." Said Freddie adjusting the camera.

"Hi. Umm do you guys mind if I come with you guys it's ok if I cant."

"No no no you can join us if you want." Said Aimsey with a smile.

I returned the smile.

"Also crumb is also tagging along with us." She said.

I nodded. "BoOop." I said touching Freddie's camera. "Sorry." I said embarrassed.

He smiled. "Your fine."

I looked around to see who was all here. It looked like basically everyone was here except Eret and Elaina. I saw a car pull up and out walk the two. I've watched Eret quiet a lot cause he was my lgbtq idol. He was the one that helped me tell Tubbo that I was
non-binary. Though I never told anyone that.

I walked over to Eret. He saw me and instantly recognized me.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were coming to this." He said in his deep voice.

"Yeah Tubbo decided to bring me along."

He smiled. "Oh shit Um this is Elaina, Elaina Y/n."

"Hi it's nice to me you." She said holding out her hand.

I smacked it away and stomped my foot.

"Im so sorry I didn't mean to do that. I have tortes and for some reasons they don't like handshakes."

She smiled. "Oh I had no idea. Well I'm Elaina." She paused. "Oh I remember Eret talking about you one day and aren't you
non-binary? I don't want to mess up your pronouns."

I nodded along with a twitter notification whistle. "Yeah I'm non-binary and I go by they/them. What about your pronouns?"

"I go by she/her but I am starting to go by they/them as well." (I looked it up guys)

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