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after school

   okay, homework. Now who tf actually pays attention in math, def not me. Even if I did I wouldn't understand this so.. let's try this.
ok. nvm. We are gonna pull out the calculator..

Time skip to when ur done lol

and finished! finally. Okay let's just read over this.. okay everything looks good.. oh never mind! it says show your work. let's just not follow this. It's already 4:45. now what ? Oh my diary! that would be fun. .. you go to pull out your diary you get a text ..  unknown number. hm. oh! it's Jake nvm.

unknown number
hey! this is y/n right? :)

yeah! hey jake. what's up?

unknown number
guess what?? 

   y/n changed  "unknown number" to
                              "Jake :))"

                                                     hm? 🤨🤨
Jake :))
junior is at my house 😐 abt to cry
                                  you have fun with that 😭😭

Jake :))
it's time to eat diner with his family.
wish me luck 😊😊

good luck 😄 text me later pls :)

Jake :))
yup, will do. cya. 

bye 👋


well that killed some time.

                              Y/N DIARY 📔

first day of school... cute boy, new friend, and a potential bully. boring day. Me and Jake are gonna go to the talent show.. really nothing new. My room looks nice, everything is straightened up and clean for once. still some boxes, but I will clean those up. Not sure what I'm being for Halloween yet, probably being a fairy. Or just myself. a fairy would be cute I think, easy and simple. I have everything at my house for example eyeliner, wings, a dress and ears. That could work. Maybe there will be a party? hm idk. they have a nice library at the school, I checked it out at the end of the day. They have  some Harry Potter, Coraline, and even a book about crystals! I was most interested in that, actually. I love crystals! Wait, I just remembered jakes doll. Chucky. He was a good guy doll.. my little cousin had one. And it got lost, even tho it was in her bed. It got lost and it was IN HER BED. Weird. really weird. No trace of a break in either. Hm.

6:30 pm
alarm .


Never set that. Weird. Maybe it's time to eat dinner, my mom and dad went out to go look at some more furniture for their room.

Incoming call from "Jake :))"

—> swipe to answer

Jakes calling me. I'll grab my Mac & cheese first.

hey Jake ! what you up to?
not anything really. My dad smashed my sculpture so that kinda sucks.
yeah.. sorry. That's must hurt. I'm just makin dinner. My mom and dad are out. so kinda happy I guess!
cool! what are you being for Halloween?
fairy! you?
nothing, don't really have any plans for this year either.
anyways, how was dinner
Well it was a little hard. Junior was being a jerk, the usual.
mhm. well I was actually thinking about him today, I think I like him. I know I sound crazy, I know nothing about him and haven't spoken a word to him either but it might be a little crush.
Really? Well I think you may have a chance, you just have to get past lexi first. It'll be hard.
your right. I'll talk to him tomorrow probably.
Sounds good! well sounds like your dinner is done.
yeah it is. well i obviously have to go now. I'll cya tomorrow!
mhm! Cya tomorrow! Wait do you want juniors number to text him?
Sure I guess.
It's ###-###-### bye!
Thanks bye!

Call over.

Time skip to 9:00pm.

a/n: hope you liked it!

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