852 11 2

junior is bold
you are slant or wtv this is
hello?? Y/n?
junior? hello? I'm sorry I sound like this.
It's okay. Are you alright?
I just had a nightmare I think. I don't even know (you say as you start crying even harder)
oh well, it's okay. Im here now. What was the nightmare about?
I just couldn't move or scream and it was really dark.
You can move now. Im here. Your okay your okay. Calm down
mhm. It was just scary. Im sorry
No, don't apologize. It's perfectly fine.
thank you. What time is it? I don't feel like looking.
Even tho it's on your phone, I'll still look. Oh! It's 2:56 am.
I don't think I'll be able to sleep any more.
well I have to sleep..
well do you wanna sleep on call? I know it sounds weird. But it's just an offer. If it'll help you sleep.
yeah that works..
Okay. Also..
Im not mad at you. I don't blame you, and I believe that you didn't have anything to  do with it.
thank goodness. I thought you were.
No.. I'm sorry if I sounded like it tho.
It's okay. Junior.
Are you going to Oliver's party tomorrow?
Well I wasn't invited.
Well he is my bestfriend. I don't think he would mind if you came with me..? Just to get you in.. not anymore.
Ok that works.
yeah. Good night.
Uhm goodnight.

god, he is so perfect.

6:00 am


October 31st, 2021

trick or treat, bitch.

okay the bus is here. I look stupid as shit with my sweater vest. I feel like I'm gonna get told I look like an old person, but they just need a sense of style. (I LOVE SWEATER VESTS <33)
the bus is here, no eye contact, no eye contact.
Not with junior, with no one. I don't wanna be a weirdo. The bus is here, yay! I sit down, looking for Jake. Huh? Where is he. I see Devon tho, so I just wave and sit with him. He didn't mind. And I'm here, I'm waiting for Jake. There he is! "Jake! Over here!" I say as he gets out of the car while I'm waiting, cause he is still talking to.. Juniors parents..? Junior comes over to say, "Last night.. just don't tell Lexy. She will be so mad." He says, "okay." I say and give him a thumbs up because I'm a very awkward person. Jake comes up, but as I start to say a word Oliver comes up and starts talking to Jake. Saying how he is sorry and chucky was funny, "But y/n and Jake, you two are invited to the party! it's at 7:30 tonight! I hope to see you guys there!" He says, we make it to our lockers. "Do you know what's up with junior? Last night he was talking.. in his sleep?" He says, "uh you were at his house? And welcomed?" I ask, junior is not nice to Jake.. so wtf? "uhh yeah long story. Anyways did you have anything to do with that?" He asks, "yeah... actually I had a panic attack and had no one to go to.. and before you say anything you were asleep." I say. "Oh okay, I saw your text this morning." he says, "yup."

and now we are in our first class, the party will be fun.

a/n : I was gonna add more to the story but I haven't updated in a while. I will probably have the next chapter up tmr . I made a playlist for the book ! Just look up "YOURS - playlist" on Spotify and it's the cover of the book!!

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