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     I hate the smell of hospitals
I already told my mom, she is cool with it.
and we already arrived at the hospital.. and luckily it's warm inside  because it was FREEZING outside and I had to run in it. This is a cry for help.

Me and Jake walk in to see multiple people on hospital beds coming in. "Where are they?" I ask. "Not sure.. maybe we should ask?" Jake says back to me. We walk up to the front desk, "hello! Are you here to see someone?" The person at the front desk shoots at us, "yeah! uh Junior Wheeler and Devon Evans?" I say back. "Okay, right down that hallway and make a right. The room numbers are 115 & 117." the person says again. "Thank you!" Jake says quickly, he takes my hand and quickly takes me to the hallway. "so can I see junior?" I ask him , "yeah , I'm not gonna actually go in the room with Devon but I'll just see how he is doing." He tells me as we get closer to both rooms, "okay well I'm gonna go see junior his room is right here." I say and we stop walking. "Ok see you soon." He says and continues to walk. I see junior on the hospital bed and I enter the room.

I sit in the chair next to him, "hey, how are you feeling?" I ask him. "I'm feeling okay, well better now that your here." He says sweetly and smiles. "well what's up? What happened. I mean." I question him. "Well we were all dancing but then the house caught on fire.. I inhaled a tun of smoke." He says and looks down. "It will be okay." I say and grab his hand. He looks up at me with wide eyes, but then smiles after a second. We just sit there like that until his parents enter the room. "hey junior! Who's your friend?" His mom asks kindly, "oh! mom, this is Y/n Y/l/n.. y/n this is my mom." He says. "Well the doctors are gonna do the check on your lungs now." She says, I really didn't wanna leave him and I could tell he didn't want me to leave the room either. "Well.. y/n you better get going." He tells me. "Jake is out there! you wont be alone y/n." His dad says, "okay! Well bye Junior. I'll see you." I say to him and smile. I walk out as I look by Devon's room there is no sign of Jake. I decide it would be a good idea to look around. I go through some hallways, and I end up seeing Lexy and Jake. Shocker wow. They start walking with each other. "Wait Jake!" I start to run up to him. He turns back around as I catch up to them.

"What?" He asks, "what are you doing with her?" I ask and whisper in his ear. " we're going to her house to find chucky." She says to me. "well can I come?" I ask, not wanting to be alone since my parents aren't here. "yeah sure come on." She says calmly as we continue to walk.

- at her parents house :)

we eventually get there, and half of it is ash. We try to get in and there was no way in, so we do find another way in. We get in and head for the stairs. I am behind Jake while walking. I start to walk up the stairs, and I end up falling. The stairs were technically breaking anyways. I fall down to the bottom where my ankle starts to bleed. "Y/n are you okay?" Jake asks worriedly. "Yeah I a-" I say but get caught off guard by a shadow of chucky. "AHHHH" I scream (obv your scream is prettier then that 😭) "what?" Lexy says. "nothing, I just better get upstairs." I say and try to brush it off. I get up the stairs better then I did before, and blood continues to drip. At this point my leg is completely covered in blood (Yall probably don't do blood but to bad) Lexy and Jake are arguing and I can't really understand their argument, I'm to focused on the pain. "It's cause you fucking deserved it!" Jake yells to Lexy, my head shoots up and Lexy falls off the railing and Chucky appears. "Just drop her. You've been waiting for this." Chucky tells Jake. "Then you can break the news to junior and everyone can see his cry." Chucky says and he does his evil laugh. I fall after that, because of my ankle. "Jake!" I yell out to Jake, since I am in a lot of pain, and so is Lexy. "One sec Y/n." He says annoyed, they continue to argue and I continue to be in pain and zone out. I start to cry worse then I was before, but then I remember that it's not always about me and I need to just stop. But I can't walk..? ok and. I need medical care my ankle is cut open. okay be in pain. A cop walks in and sees us. "What are you guys doing in here?" He says. They just look at each other. "I live here?" Lexy says, "well right now you don't." The cop says, "come on." The cop says. "guys I cant walk?" I say, "well try." Lexy says. "We don't have time." Lexy continues. I get up, and I'm able to walk all the way down the steps fine 🤨🤪🤪

Ok time skip to next day cuz we don't have time for games (at school.) ok I skipped SO MUCH but I could care less like I said WE DONT HAVE TIME

I'm partners with Jake, and we're doing a project. I'm falling asleep, in the process Mrs whatever her name is leaves the room quickly and Devon, Jake, and Lexy all huddle up. I decide it's better if I don't include myself. My ankle ended up getting cut open pretty bad, I hit it on the end of the railing, aka the pointy part. I got 10 stitches on it, so it was a huge cut. Junior looks lost, so I go over to him , quickly. Once I manage to get over to him without anyone noticing I speak up. "hey.. you okay?" I ask him in a concerned voice. "yeah I'm fine.. Lexy has just been somewhere else these days." He says and sighs. "well Uhm.. later you wanna hang out? At like 8?" I ask him and smile. "sure." He says, "cya then!" I say.

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