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talent show 🎤
here we are, the talent show. only really came cause Devon is performing and Jake wanted me to, ready for some more hell.

"We're here!" My mom tells me. "Your dad will pick you up at 7:45." My mom says as I hop out of the car. "okay mom, text me when he leaves" I say.

Jake said he is waiting for me. Oh!, there he is.
"hey Jake!" I say, he is my only friend, who else would I say it to? "Hey. Devon's up 6th, and it starts in 5 minutes. We have time to kill. Wanna take a walk around the school?" He asks me. "yeah! Let's go now before we miss anything" I say.

"so I didn't see you at lunch, we're you with junior?" Jake asked, "Yeah! I don't know what you did wrong, he is actually kinda nice." I say, "or your just saying that because you like him, you're always talking about him. Your sure he is perfect and nice?" He asks, I actually 100% agree. I get like that sometimes. "yeah. I guess your right. I don't get him either. He seems like a jerk." I say, I hate saying it but it's true.. "yeah your right." He says. "Oh! We better head back now." He says, "ok" I say.

Time skip to when ur there

right on time.

we sit down beside each other. Devon plays really good actually, Jake never mentioned him playing, he's good tho. And it's done! woohoo! It was really good, and here's Lexi. Yay. she's rambling until, "Jake.. what did you think about Devon's performance?" She says. Oh she's pushing it. "Good.." Jake says awkwardly. "Just good?" Oh my god I hate her so much. "Now why don't you tell dev.. and his mom, how you really feel about him." She says. Now everyone is looking at Jake. Wow. I cant even deal with her bullshi- "hey Lexi!" A mysterious voice says.. "lexiiii" the voice says again. "How about you pick on someone your own size?" it says AGAIN. "Jake, Y/n. A little help here. Uhm WTF? ITS CHUCKY???? what. the. hell.
( I don't remember exactly what he said so I'm gonna do my own thing, it'll be similar tho.) we're on stage. how the hell does he have her phone? "Lots of pics of junior.."
I can see him smiling in the crowd. he is so cute, my god. "Lots of pics of Oliver, too." chucky says. what? I'd treat him better.. uhh what did I just say? Brain that is not your job.

damn, chucky exposed her hardcore. Cant wait for the future.

At home - !

here I am on my bed, I'm gonna text junior. Say sorry. I wasn't in for that. And I know Jake didn't do that. So what is really up with his doll? Anyways, I'm gonna text junior, write in my diary, and pick out my Halloween outfit Party.. is there a party I can go to..I think Oliver is having one, I'll go uninvited! Fuck it.

hey, sorry about the talent show.

it's okay. it's jakes fault. It's not like I really care anyways.

He was definitely mad.

it's not I promise. But it wasn't coming from me. Please don't think it was junior .

yeah okay. I don't understand why you and Jake would say that? We just met. Why?


it's whatever. Cya tomorrow.

yup, cya. Don't overthink it.
read at 8:12


I think he's mad, jakes doll chucky made junior upset. I can see why, I hope we get closer. I'm pretty sure I like him. He is just so precious. I hate stressing out and over thinking about this. He's just a boy, but I don't wanna make him upset. I just hate seeing myself like this, like I said. Just a boy, he is just a boy. Just a boy to me. He's not going to make me  upset or make me stress me out anymore. I'm so done with boys. They're stupid. Stupid. Everything but perfect. I hate junior. I tell myself that, but I really dont. I cant do this anymore.

I can only shut my diary. I'm so mad at myself. So pathetic. wow. I cant. So on to my Halloween costume. I have ears, my outfit.. oh perfect! Ok this will have to do for tomorrow. It's probably best I get to sleep tonight...

Time skip to morning..
here's the morning, so exciting. I'm very tired even tho I got to bed early. I don't wanna get up.. let's try it tho. I'm so lazy, god. wait... why cant I get up? .. and my neck feels like hell. Let's try again. Lazy, lazy, lazy. I cant move. Why cant I move. I'm gonna cry. Can tears even come out. God please no. .. I cant even scream? What the fuck.. no no no please. I wanna come home please no.. no. God I cant even. Let's just try and go back to sleep. 1..2..3..4..5.. why isn't it working. My god what is even happening. I cant even think properly. Calm down....

now I'm back in my bed? I can move! It was just a dream..! Well now I'm still in a panicking state. and I'm crying so hard now. Great. Just wonderful. Let's try and text Jake. Wait where is my phone? I cant even see. .. oh! Here it is.

Jake , can we call?

every thing will be okay.

Calm down. Finally, I'm done crying. WAIt WHAT? It's been 45 minutes. Here come the tears. your such a baby. What now? Junior..? I don't wanna bug him since he already is mad at me.. I cant with myself right now. Cant even think. I have no other option.

Hey. I know your mad at me.. but can we please call? I don't have anyone else.

yeah I guess. . What happened?

I'll tell you once we call.


Incoming call from "Junior"

slide to answer ——->

a/n: 😉😉😉😉😉😉

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