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boring day.
I ended up not going to school, in fear of people making fun of me. I hope Jake is okay. I should write in my diary !



not sure what I missed being suspended for a week. but I guess a lot of shit was being talked on me. (I skipped the week y/n & Jake were suspended. Just pretend I didn't 😜) the whole school knows I like junior. Junior probably thinks it's gross, but he did say I was cute. cool right? I am thinking about asking Jake to hang out at his place. It would be a good idea, I'll ask. Bye diary love you girl. (I had to add the "love you girl" cause my friend Charlie would appreciate it)

hey Jake , wanna hang out later?

Yeah, after school I'll come to your house and we can walk to my house. You wanna sleepover ?

yeah. let me ask my mom.



I walk downstairs and sit next to my mom. "Can me and my friend jake have a sleepover?" I ask, "No! No boys." She says, "mom he is gay." I say, really was hoping i didn't have to tell her that and I can just go but nope. "well in that case you can go. What time?"" She asks, "around three probably. We were just gonna go to his house after he is done with school." I say, "well it's 2:45 now. You should probably get changed and pack." She says. "okay."

Ayo my mom said it was cool cya later.

Ok cya later.

I throw on a over sized tee and sweat pants, and pack my hoodie, jeans, a band tee shirt, some random pajamas and some other essential things. "Cant forget a charger and my headphones." And a couple minutes later I hear a knock on the door. My mom opens the
door, "honey! your friends are here." I hear my mom yell up to me. "ok! I will be down in a second, mom!" I yell back to my mom.

Time skip to two minutes

I run downstairs, seeing Jake and Junior waiting there. "Junior?" I say, I didn't expect him to be there. "I have to walk with him to my house. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be." He says and rolls his eyes. "that was rude but okay." I say. "Bye mom!" I yell to my mom which was in the next room, "bye y/n! have fun!" She says.

time skip pt2

we arrive at juniors house, and it's pretty nice and big. pretty cool. "follow me." Jake says, "alright" I reply with as we are walking up the steps. We get to his room, I can hear junior leaving. "Actually, I kind of have to go. You can just wait here y/n." Jake says. "but I just got here?" I say, "yeah but it's important." He says. "Okay. Bye." I say. Jake leaves, leaving me with bestie chucky 🤪

as im sitting on my phone, snapping my friends from old school. Looks like they are having fun without me.. that sucks. "hey" I hear a voice say to me, "hello?" I say confused. "on jakes bed." The voice says again, I look to jakes bed and there is chucky.. sitting on his bed looking right at me. "chucky?" I say even more confused. "yep." He says. "wait you can talk? I mean I kinda figured that but you really can?" I say. he pulls out a knife and gets off the bed. "What are you gonna do with that?" I say in a panic... "you'll see." he says walking towards me. I run out the door downstairs into the kitchen where I find myself on the verge of tears. I rest my elbows on the counter and my palms  on my forehead constantly telling myself to get it together. Just at that moment I hear someone walk through the door. Oh it's Jake thank god.. I go walk up to .. junior? and then I realize the situation I'm in.. shit. "y/n? did Jake leave you alone here? Are you okay?" junior asks and he genuinely looks worried.. I look down and say, "yeah he did. I'm fine tho nothing major happened." As more tears spill out. "are you sure?" he says. "yeah. will you stay with me until Jake gets back?" I ask. "yeah.. I don't want to you get hurt again." He says.. even tho I told him I didn't. mmmm alright Junior 🤨.  He grabs my hand and takes me to his room. It's neat and stuff, pretty cool. We walk in and he just says "ok don't touch anything and just sit here." He says and walks into his bathroom. I go on my phone and go to text Jake.

Dude where are you? Your doll just tried to kill me.

I was just there. Had to grab chucky, I didn't see you tho.

that's why I'm in juniors room. Away from your possessed doll.

Junior walks in his room and sees my frustrated look on my face. "hey you okay?" He asks me again. "yup. perfectly fine." I say wanting to walk out of the room. Junior walks over to me and sits down next to me. "What's your snap?" he asks, "don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask, I mean I obviously don't care his girlfriend is bitch.. but I wouldn't want her to beat me up either. "yeah I do. But I don't really care to be honest." he says and I put on a shocked face. "uh okay, mine is - y/n_2021y/l/n - "  I say and give it to him, "Ok.. well I have to go." He says, "and Jake is here. Well bye!" I say and we both walk out of his room. "Jake!" I run up to him. "why were you gone so long?" I ask. "just had to do stuff." He says awkwardly, junior is giving a dirty look. Wonder why..

- time skip :)

me and Jake are just talking about our crushes, as I am going on about junior , "he asked me for his snap, and called me cute one time! Does he like me? I don't wanna be a homewrecker but I think I'm working my way up there." I say, "yeah, I mean Lexy would deserve it." He says, "yeah but sti-" I say as a ding cuts me off coming from Jakes phone. "Holy shit!" He yells and starts rubbing his head, as he stands up. I stand up after him and walk up to him. "Lexys house was on fire! Devon, Junior, and half of our grade was there!" He says. "what..?" I say, "we have to go to the hospital now." He says and runs out of his room, "are we walking?" I say to him. "How else are we supposed to get there?" He asks me, "ok then." I say. I hope everything is okay.

a/n: Ayo things getting good with junior?

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