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I continue to jam out to my favorite song, out of breath I check the time.



junior is coming over at , 8:00? I mean we're quite literally neighbors. Or he might live down the street I'm not actually sure.

I quickly put on something cute but comfy and I put on mascara. I mean I'm not one to put in effort into my outfits unless I have to but junior is an exception.

As I'm finishing up, I hear a knock at the door.
Luckily, my parents are not home so I don't need to worry about them answering the door.

I run downstairs to answer the door, and like I was expecting it was junior.

"hey! come in" I say and smile , and he returns one.

"let's go in my room." I just say and go up my steps as he follows.

We get to my room and he admires some of the decor. I have a couple posters, some plants, and crystals.

I sit on my bed and junior sits across from me.

"anything new?" I ask him. "well theres one thing that happened a bit before I got here." He says.

"well, you can tell me." I say , "you can trust me.. right?" I say continuing what I was saying before. I need to calm down with my over thinking.

"yeah! .. yeah of course." He says back. "ok anyways back to the story." , "I was having dinner with my family. My mom, dad, and Jake were all there."

"It was going fine until Jake gets a text and goes to look at it." k.. "I glance over just to see who it is." He says and his voice gets softer. "it was Lexy." "She said something like come over asap and it was a picture of another good guy doll" OH.. "and my mom says something like no phones at the dinner table, which we all know."

"And a fight happens and stuff. But that's kinda besides the point, Lexy bullies Jake. But she hasn't texted me all day and I'm her boyfriend. She texts her enemy but not me? I mean I thought she loved me." He says and I can't tell if he is crying or just getting sensitive.

"hey don't worry about her." I say , "you'll get over it. I mean it's Lexy, you know her." I say, I wanted to say something way meaner but it's not like their exes or anything.

time skip and kinda a summery ?

it was fun, we got to talk a lot, and .. there is one part I can't get out of my mind.

(Ayooo another cutesy scene with jun jun?????!!! 🤭🤭🤭😍)

We're just talking and laughing, yk throwing jokes at each other and what not. He stops for a sec. "hey , you ok?" I ask him and look him in the eyes. "yeah, yeah I'm good." He says back looking away a bit. "ok.. good" I say. We move our faces kinda closer and it's like we're about to kiss kinda? Our foreheads touch and we're about to lean in. I feel his li-

ok enough of that. tomorrow is another day and I will brush it off, I will just text him goodnight.

junior <3

y/n 🕸
good night junior 🌙

junior <3
gn y/n ♥️

— ur thoughts after that ..

he got me blushin and stuff..
bro do I have a chance??
we would be a power couple.
I wonder if he is into astrology people?
possibly.. I mean I am one
Should I ask?
Don't ask.
Do not.
Y/n go to sleep.

ok it's sleepy time 4 u y/n 🙄🙄

- a/n 🕸

quick and short chapter cause I haven't updated. Thanks for still staying active while I was gone. I am so happy for all the support on the story. thanks<3 I love u guys smmmm

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