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"we have to run ! "

spooky title, and my life is terrible . Fun

"we have to run ! " junior says, oh yeah well you think? We run to the bathroom, cause it has a lock. "shit!" I say whisper yelling .. realizing what happened while I was running for my life. "what?" Junior says in a tone.. okay sir. "I dropped my fucking phone." I say, and even tho it is pitch black in the bathroom I can see he is just like oh shit. "well now what?" I say , "I don't know! we wait?" He says as I can hear laughing from that bitch Lexy. Is she going through my texts? "my phone is not your business Lexy!" I yell not to loud. "she's in there!" I hear Lexy say. "is it locked?" I say pretty scared. "I don't know! Just hide in the closet and if they end up opening the door they will just see me." He says trying to be calm. "okay" I reply with, also trying to be calm. I'm in the closet now and like I expected, I can hear banging and little taunts from Lexy. "junior can I just go out now? I'm dying in here!" I peep my head out and he looks at me like I'm crazy, "she is gonna push you or something! You are gonna get hurt?" He tells me. "okay and? I hate this closet, it smells horrible in here." I say, but it smells like ass in here. and not the good kind. "I don't give a shit. Stay in there!" He says, "I cant be in here for the rest of my life?" I say, I just wanna go home . "okay you can now. Lexys not there." He says, I walk out and say "finally," trying to catch my breath. "don't tell Lexy this but I think your pretty cute." He whispers in my ear and walks away. I smile and think about what he just said. is it more then just a crush..? :)

I got lost in those words, forgetting the situation I'm in, and then I feel a sting in my cheek, I just got slapped in the face by what a surprise Lexy! "told you I'd make your life a living hell! The whole school knows you like junior now." She says, shit. "Okay and?" I say and laugh, why does she hate me so much? "I have a surprise for you downstairs." this is so exciting. wow! I walk downstairs to see junior and I run to him because I didn't see Jake. I run up to him and say "hey junior, uh are you okay?" I say, he still looks frozen. "Look at Lexy. She is my dead uncle for Halloween." He says. Wow. "jakes dad?" I ask. "yeah.." he says. I hug him, it must be rough. he hugs back and puts his head on my shoulder "my dads here, I should probably leave." I say, I don't wanna leave him. But... "bye!" I say and kiss him on the cheek. Wow I have balls. I'm gonna get beat up tomorrow 🥺 so fun.

a/n: short chapter lmaoooo

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