"The stuff that dreams are made of"

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When I woke up I realised I'd been asleep for a few hours. It was now 5:30 in the afternoon, Ariel would be coming over soon to get ready for Hans' party and I suddenly realised I was completely naked under my turquoise sheets and everything that happened earlier came flooding back. Adam laid next to me, still unconscious and wearing just his boxers. I felt nervous about waking him, what would he say? Would he regret it? I guess there was only one way to find out and I had to get him out before Ariel arrived.

"Hey, wake-up. Out of bed sleepy" I whisper close to his ear.

"Why hello" he says tired eyed "Are you ok?"

"Great actually, it's just..." After this he sits up and stares at me like he's scared that something is wrong. "My cousin is going to be over soon, she's helping me get ready for Hans' party"

"I get it, no problem I'll just get dressed and be out of your hair" He stands up and slips on his jeans and tee. He leans over and plants a kiss on my lips. Not a passionate kiss like last night just firm kiss planted right on my lips in heat of the moment.

"So you meant it?" I ask him


"Earlier ..."

"Of course I meant it Belle. I like you and I want to be with you...if that's ok with you obviously" I can't help holding back a smile and I brush a piece of hair from my eyes to get a better look at him.

"It is"

"I'm literally so relieved you said that" he laughs but I know he meant it, it feels a little weird that he was worried I'D reject HIM when I was worried about the exact opposite. I lean forward wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

"So at Hans' party tonight?"

"We'll be public, I'm not ashamed Belle I love you"

I smile "okay"

"I'll see you there" one more kiss and he slips on his jacket and is gone. Literally as his vintage muscle car leaves my drive Ariel's pulls in seconds later.

She gets out and comes straight in and upstairs. "Hey cousin, where's your pops?"

"Away at a convention till next weekend"

"Free house?! Awesome! It's gonna be guy central here huh?" She winks and I hide a smirk. I feel like I should tell Ariel me and Adam are together and we had...well ya know...you know what I'm saying. It's not Ariel's never done it before, she used to live in Vegas for Christ's sake! I don't know any names but I know of at least 3 guys she's been with and then there's Eric, there was something different about her and him. Like me and Adam they sort of immediately fell in love like they were meant to be together. "So you've been on your own all day then?"

"Actually Adam came over earlier"


"And what?"

"Belle! I knew it! You love him!"All I do is snails at her and she smiles back at me and embraces me "Oh my god! This is amazing!"

"I can't believe it either and it was such a shock I mean everything happened at once before I knew what was happening but it's not like I regret it I mean..."

"Whoa! Belle!" She smiles a mischievous grin "Did you two...?" She doesn't loose the grin for a second before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny? It's how we got together" we both laugh and fall onto my couch bed in the corner of the room.


At 6:00 we were ready to go. We'd done each others hair and makeup. To go with Ariel's silver and navy body con dress her makeup was mostly greys and silvers making her look almost angelic and omniscient. Her lips were a peachy nude adding to the beach look. Her fingernails were painted navy and her toes the same colour with silver French tips to compliment the sandals she was wearing.

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