"You had me at 'Hello' "

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"Hey Adam!" I say a little too loudly, he's looking at me like he's waiting for me to say something else. I shift uncomfortably and put my hands into my back pockets, looking like i am so chilled."What're you doing in here?"

"You'd be surprised what you hear in the girls bathroom" I'm kind of experiencing surprise and understanding at once. In one way I'm surprised that he's listening to what the girls say in the bathroom but in another not so surprised that you get to know everyone's secrets here. "And plus it's just generally cleaner, guys are discussing when it comes to the bathroom. So what's up?"

This whole sentence took my complete surprise but I just about manage to mutter out "I was just thinking about the prom, ya know it's pretty much what everybody's talking about"

"Yeah, I heard" he smirks "So who are you going with?" Gees whats with the questions Adam?

"Erm I'm not sure, I'll probably just hang around with Anna and Peter, even though they're going with Wendy and Hans" I try WAY too hard to look cool and end up just looking like plain old dumb Belle.

"We could go if you want?" Are you serious is this happening?!?!

"Are you sure? I'm a bit of a bore? I'd rather sit at home reading a good book than go out and party"

"You seem cool, if I'm gonna go with any one it may as well be you"

"Um, okay sure!" I sound like a really bad actor reading from a script because even though I try to make it sound like I'm thinking about it, I was clearly gonna say yes!

"Cool! See ya later" He ruffles my hair and walks out and I stand there like someone just told me there was a meteor heading right for the earth. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my next period, afterwards Ariel waits for me in the parking lot and we go straight to the mall. Even though it's my first day of school and I've only been in the country a few weeks, Ariel has been organising our prom for the good part of a year.

It's one of those things every girl looks forward to, prom and your wedding day.

Around a month ago Ariel organised a prom shopping trip which has now turned into a Hans party/prom/impress Eric/ try to make Belle look not so sad and loserish shopping trip. We planned to have dinner at my first american restaurant and then move on the dresses.

The mall is like some alien space craft. I've never been to a mall before but by the look on my cousin's face I'd say she's a pro at this. We walk to a small restaurant called Miko's. Inside we find a little booth to sit in and I start to read the menu.

"We come here all the time, me and the girls" as Ariel says this Pocahontas walks over in a 50s diner uniform.

"Hey guys, what are you wanting to eat?"

"One cheeseburger with an extra portion of fries and a cherry shake please, Belle?" She nods towards my menu

"Umm barbeque burger with mixed peppers and fries and a.....mango milkshake, thanks" Pocahontas smiles and walks to the kitchen with our order. "Please explain where we are?"

"Poca's family own this place, Meeko, the chef, is her brother, Her dad, Powhatan, works in the kitchen with him and that girl over there is called Flit, that's her sister. It's sort of a long boring story" We get our food which is beyond amazing and Ariel tells me more about America and everything school/ social life related I'll need to know; Although the topic keeps taking a right hand turn into prom land.
"So before we get to go home we will both have dresses, shoes, jewellery, hair accessories aaaaand...a killer outfit for Hans' party"

It all seems a little much, and way too expensive, but my dad told me to buy anything is need for prom on his credit card...I'm not exactly sure if he meant it or if he just still feels bad for moving me?
The first store we go into is beautiful! The floor is dark brown wood leading framing the gorgeous teal walls decorated with starfish and other stunning sea life designs. There's a huge sign on wall with "Atlantica" printed in French calligraphy. Hundreds of dresses line the walls on rails all desperately calling out to me to be tried on. Ariel is already running around the store looking at elegant gowns, holding up to her tall, narrow frame and placing them gently back into place once she's finished swirling around. I take a more reserved approach, taking time to admire each one is precise detail. Stroking the lace, counting every button, inspecting each tiny sequin. Finally I see one I love beyond anything I can even describe, everything is perfect. I grab it straight from the rail and head over to the dressing room.


Once we've bought everything we need for prom (which doesn't actually turn out as pricey as I thought) we turn to party shopping. Hans' party is in one week which in girl time just isn't enough. Coming to America for the last few weeks of high school before I graduate seemed like a stupid idea at first but now I'm here I realise how much I was missing.
We browse around for a while looking at all the neat stores we could go into next before choosing one called "the enchanted forest". The exterior was black glass everywhere with a purple neon sign spelling out the title in gothic calligraphy. Inside everything is presented on black glass furniture, tables, shelves, rails, you name it.
There was an entire section on party wear that I was dying to explore, eventually I pick out a leather wrap skirt and a white lace bralette together with a pair of stunning black peep toe heels. Ariel goes for a silver and navy sequin body on dress that will bring out her aquamarine eyes and metallic silver sandals (Ariel was tall enough to get away with not wearing heels when everyone else was, unlike me). We head over to the checkout once we're sure we've made our decision and to my horror it's Snow White at the counter.
"Oh...hey" she says sounding bored but still naturally sweet.
"Umm...hi...just these please" I give her my clothes and she scans them looking very 'optimistic'.
"So are you going to Hans' party with anyone?" She directs at both of us
"Yeah I'm going with Eric" Ariel says after a short pause "Belle?"
"Umm...I'm going with...Adam. I guess he's friends with your boyfriend?"
"Yeah...he is. He used to date Cinders back when, well before she got with charming any way but that was like a hundred years ago so..." Another thing I realise about Snow is that she can't help but spill the beans when it comes to other people's business and I guess j was wrong, she's not sweet. She's sickly, like that feeling you get when you've eaten too much cake on your birthday. "Anyway I guess I'll see you at school" with one last smile we leave the store and the mall and get into Ariels car. She drops me off and heads straight home herself. All that I can think about is what Snow said, Adam used to date the most popular girl at school and now he's going to prom with some homeschooled freak? I was starting to think I couldn't trust Adam and after all what did he even see in me? He's only known me a day and what? I have a crush on him? Get real Belle. Get head out of the clouds and back into a book, just like before.

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