"I'm flesh and blood...but not human"

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The next two hours consisted of math and history. After that it was time to have lunch. Being in the cafeteria was like being in a different universe, every table had a different social group ,doing...well, what they do.

I saw Anna and Peter at the other end of the cafeteria smiling and waving at me to come sit with them. I weaved in and out of tables full of people, people painting their nails, people arm wrestling, people kissing other people. I saw the apple on the floor, but for some reason my brain just couldn't process the information; it was only a matter of time before...


Luckily when I fell I didn't get my lunch all down my front although it landed pretty much everywhere else. I put my arms behind me to push myself up when I see a hand held out in front of me. I grab it and see the owner is a tall boy with shoulder length hair and handsome rugged features. He pulls me up with no exertion and pats me on the shoulders.

"Thanks" I say brushing my hair behind my ears, he looks me up and down and winks.

"No problem but be a little more careful of fruit in the future okay?" his voice is deep and soothing, I just giggle at his joke. "I'm Adam by the way"


"Oh you're..."

"Ariel's cousin? Yep" he smiles and walks away, he doesn't turn back although I wish he would just so I can look at those big blue eyes of his.

"Hey...so you're Belle?" a voice next to me says, I turn then to see a pretty blonde in a blue dress looking up at me. On her right is sat another blonde in a pink and blue tie dye dress and on her left is a pale girl with black hair tied up in a bow. They all so plastic, like no human being could this flawless. They look like flesh and blood but I'm not totally convinced that they're human.

"Yeah? so you know my name, can I know yours?"

"Oh" she giggles "I'm Cinderella and this is Aurora" she gestures to the girl on the right who looks as though she's falling asleep "And this is Snow" The pale girl smiles at me sweetly. A little too sweetly. Her lips are painted a sort deep red.

"Nice to meet you and all but I'll be going now"

"Wait, sit down." Cinderella gestures to the seat in front of her, I look towards Peter and Anna who are deep in conversation.

"Maybe another time, my friends are waiting for me" I bend down and pick of the bottle of water that fell off of my tray earlier, smile at the girls and walk over to the table where my friends are sat. "Hey guys, what ya' talkin' about?"

"Do you think Wendy would go out with me?" Peter turns from Anna to me with a look of desperation on his face.

"Okay first tell me who Wendy is?"

"She's the girl in our math class, the hot one with the lightish ginger hair" Peter looks even more desperate after my question

"Peter she doesn't speak boy! Wendy was the girl who was sat next to Jasmine. She was wearing the blue dress and she had her hair up in a ponytail"

"Right! Yeah why wouldn't she go out with you Peter? I mean you're just adorable" I take the apple of his tray and take a big bite. Anna laughs beside me and Peter bangs his head down softly on the table and rolls it from side to side. "Why so interested anyway?"

"Hans, that kid I almost hit with the apple earlier, well he's like super rich and he's throwing a 'pre-prom' party, I was thinking we could all got together until someonegot a date" He looks at Anna as though he's disappointed in a book report she turned in late.

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