Chapter 3 | New Neighbors

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I clench my hands into a fist, fighting a force that has my wrist pressed against the covers

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I clench my hands into a fist, fighting a force that has my wrist pressed against the covers. I attempted to wake up, but my body had stiffened. Please move. I try to lift at least a limb. A dream blurred into a vision of clarity as I stand in the center of a room with rushing lava passing through my feet. The touch of it chilled my toes. I take a step forward, and it changes into a rippling puddle that can not wet my feet. I can't understand this place.

A gust of wind twirls me in circles, and towering dark trees grow. It was never-ending. Where am I? In the distance. It is the blue moon shining on the silhouette of a wolf staring. You again! The dog demon. I run off in the opposite direction, through the dark foggy woods, but my feet will not move. It's as if I am running on a treadmill, and everything around me is shrinking. A branch appeared and choked my neck, knocking me onto my back.

"Agh!" I rolled over, holding my neck to ease the pain, but felt something come near as I jerked up, watching the wolf take a bite at me.

I jumped out of my sleep, able to move my body again but blinded by the sunlight. My eyes! I screeched a terrifying witch sound and threw the duvet over my face to shield the light.

The light seeped through the comforter and was my only source of comfort from the nightmare. I never experienced something so dire. That dog demon I know I saw. I kicked the covers off my body, squinting my eyes, waiting for them to adjust. I rubbed the debris away at the corner of them and crawled out of bed, walking to my window and looking next door. Is it possible that last night was my imagination? Wait, what the heck is that? I looked closer and saw a flapping blanket holding onto the ventilation pipe. Maybe I did.

But that kid is indeed real.

"Gemma!" I hear Gwen, my mom, calling me from downstairs.

"Gemma. It is time to get ready!" Her voice alarmed. I whine, turning my legs into slugs and pacing toward the bathroom to get situated. I brush my teeth for two minutes, singing a Taylor Swift song, Fifteen. Qu banged the wall.

"Shut that crap up!" He hit it one more time. I kicked the wall twice in response.

Die in your room! I yelled with the toothbrush in my mouth full of toothpaste. I rinsed it out and dried it with a hand towel. Then brush my hair into one ponytail. Should I ignore the tangles? Yep- ignoring the mess. Dressed in my cozy coat and snow boots, I am ready to start my morning as I stroll inside the kitchen with a goofy smile.

"What's up, twerp?" Quinn slid my breakfast across the table after taking a sausage.

"That is mine!" I snatched two from him for repayment. Qu reached to seize it as I started slapping at his arm, but he pushed my head, making me plop into the chair. My mom intervened, taking the sausages.

"Alright, you two, stop it. Now hurry and eat before the bus comes. You are fifteen minutes late," Gwen divided the sausage. "Gemma, Grandma told me you saw something in the yard and ran after it. Need I explain how terrible it would have gone?" She pointed her finger in my face. What a snitch. Fine. But my brother, his secret goes too.

"Yeah. Sorry, I realized it was Quinn going to a house party." It was him I saw. I smiled. Gwen frowned.

"Quinn, you did what?" She scowled at him.

"I'm gone." Qu stood up, grabbing his backpack while pushing my head before I could protest.

"Ugh!" I swatted at him.

"Boy, get back here!" She fussed, and despite her objections, he exited. I smooth out the roots of my curls.

"That boy, I told him to stay away from her." My mom tosses dishes in the sink, but she will be okay. Quinn gets away with everything because he is a boy. I gagged.

"Buzz, buzz." Our landline rang, mounted above the countertop, watching my mom run to the call. Judging that we still used those, I am positive it is the cave dweller at the end.

"Hey, honey, did the test results come back? Perfect!" She created space between us by leaving the kitchen. Yep. Dad. Work consumes their days. I fork at my food, sleepy-eyed.

Last night stuck in my head, and I can't shake it. I see something moving in my peripheral through the window from the breakfast table. I noticed my brother kissing our neighbor's daughter. Yuck! Teenagers are disgusting. The losers lost my attention because of an irritating, ear-piercing noise. I veered toward the sound, watching a yellowish, dirty color with red blinking lights come to a stop.

"The bus? The bus! Oh, shoot. I am going to miss the bus!"

I yanked my backpack from my chair and dashed out onto the road. But it was too late. I watch the bus turn the corner, leaving the street. Then I heard a familiar raggy car engine behind me, which made me turn my head, watching that lunatic pull out of the driveway. He speeds off the street, hearing the tires screech when he swerved the corner. My mouth fell open in disbelief. Qu saw me, and he belled.

"Gemma!" I heard the disappointment in the driveway as I winced, scared to face her.

"I told you this would happen." Gwen nagged. I whirled in utter shame, watching her stand on the sidewalk with her arms folded.

"Mom, I need a ride to school." I gave her my best babydoll smile. She shook her head.

"Work calls. The school is a mile away. I think you can manage. What are the rules when walking to school?" Gwen dictated. I gave her a lazy look, thinking how far the school was.

"I have to walk?" I whined, trying to revert away from the conversation, trying to persuade her to change her mind.

"Rules." She crossed her arms. So bossy. I bit my upper lip before laying out the rules.

"Avoid strangers. Head directly to the school."

"And? she waits for the second part of her strict rules."

"No lollygagging." I rolled my eyes so she can see how annoyed I was.

"Good girl. The cell phone is in the bag. Call me if you need something. Okay?"

"I need a ride to school." I enlightened. My mom gave me a stern look.

Okay, I dragged my words, and she headed back. Ugh, Qu jetted when he realized I was missing the bus. That turd! Payback is a monkey's uncle. I take a deep breath, secure the backpack, and gaze at the sidewalk. Here I go. I walk along the white picket fence, heading towards the wooded pathway called the green belt.

I passed the vacant house with the imaginary demon dog and noticed the Uhaul truck backed into the garage. A slim, pale woman with long, wavy black hair accompanies a tall, robust man as they stroll out the front door. She was shorter than him and appeared normal, but his unusual look caught me off guard.

His brunette beard is the length of Santa Claus, and his ponytail flows along his back. The hairy man stared as I walked. Watching his icy stare causes a chill along my spine. Why am I scared? I heard a snarl, startling me, unsure where it came from. It could have been the neighbor's dog. I gripped the straps on my shoulders and quickened my steps to line the sidewalk.

That was creepy.

That was creepy

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