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"Aww, you are so cute, baby, all bundled up. Where have you been?" Three asked her as we walked through the door, but she couldn't even take her coat off yet before she was bombarded.

"Let her get her coat off first. It's too warm for her to stay bundled up for too long." I explained as I slipped her scarf and jacket off.

I'll let her take her hat off herself because I don't want to mess up her hair. I leaned against the front door and watched as she walked away from me towards the living room. She turned around and walked back towards me.

"What's up? You need something from your jacket?" I asked as I grabbed her jacket off the hook again.

"No, where do I put my boots?"

Oh, she's so cute. Before I could answer. Three brought a chair over so she could sit down.

"You can take them off here." He said.

"Yeah, I'll put them in my room," I told her as I put her coat back on the hook. I crouched down, unlaced, slid each boot off, and picked them up as I stood.

"Stay here and keep being cute." I walked down the hallway to my room and placed her boots on a mat near the vent, so if they were wet. They would warm up before she left.

I went into my closet and pulled out the cute sock-like slippers with sole grips on the bottom for marble and no carpet floors. I want her to have warm feet.

"Here you go," I said as I softly placed the socks on her feet over her mid-thigh socks that she was already wearing.

"They match mine. Thank you." She said as she gave my face a quick rub.

She stood up and carried the chair back to the kitchen table. She walked to the living room and at down. I watched her as I still stood by the front door. She's so beautiful.

Three came and sat by her on the couch as I watched them. She got into her previous position, hugging him as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and tucked her face under the space between his chin and upper chest. He held her and started talking to her as she rested on him.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Aye fuck that. Say, where have you been with that all-black catsuit shit on? Do you see that shit, YB?" 10 asked from the kitchen.

Her outfit is beautiful because she is so gorgeous. I heard her laughing at him.

"You hanging here?" Three asked.
She nodded her head.

"You finished your work, too?" He asked.

She nodded again.

"What's your name?" When Three asked that, I walked over and heard ten come over, too. I was waiting when I sat on the couch beside her and looked up towards her. I saw KD sitting there, too. Where did he come from?


Soft ass voice.

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