i. a grand return

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⠀⠀⠀⠀The twists and turns of the narrow road were familiar to Katharina. It had been the same route her own red convertible had taken numerous times during her early adulthood. She could have easily guided their driver by heart if needed, but there were three sets of tires tracks to follow. The road was hardly used. Any disturbance was left imprinted in the dust for days until a fresh layer settled atop or the rare rainstorm washed it anew.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The four people in the vehicle remained quiet as they had the whole ride from their rendezvous point. They had met up in a small town three hours south of their destination. No pleasantries or introductions had been exchanged, only a quick code word that confirmed they had met who they were supposed to.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The man who sat to Katharina's left, the driver, was the same man who had been sent by Sergio to recruit her. She had learned little of this man during their long flight from where he had located her to Spain. Based on his demeanor and how he carried himself, she concluded that he was possibly military himself.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The woman seated behind the driver had a neutral expression permanently ingrained on her face. Her bottom lip had a fresh cut on it, and her right eye appeared to be slightly swollen with hints of discoloration tinging her skin. She wore a dark hoodie and had her hands shoved into the pockets during the whole ride.

⠀⠀⠀⠀The other woman had been more expressive, blue eyes taking in the rural landscape. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls down her shoulders and back, blunt but perfect bangs framing her face. When she wasn't looking out the window, she was staring at her manicured fingernails.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Katharina was content with just the noise of the humming engine and blasting heat. Still, the blonde behind her began to shift in the leather seats, clearly becoming exasperated with the lack of conversation. She chose to ignore the movement, not caring to begin exchanging words. The other did so for her.

⠀⠀⠀⠀"What are your specialties?" The woman inquired, leaning slightly forward to speak more easily to the two in the front. "Why were you recruited by the Professor?"

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