iv. beautiful, beautiful gold

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( D-DAY, MINUTE 31 )

⠀⠀⠀⠀Vienna stayed on her knees next to Palermo as the others sprung into action around her. She gently cradled his head in her lap, back hunched over so she could protect him from the disorder that surrounded them. His trembling hand found hers, grabbed ahold of it, and didn't let go. "I have you," she told him, voice barely above a whisper, knowing that it was bound to break if she talked any louder.

⠀⠀⠀⠀"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Stockholm repeated over and over, pacing in circles. "Everything has gone to shit. Look at his eyes!" She gestured towards the man, Tokyo bending down to assess the damage.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Gandía's bullet hadn't hit him but instead shattered a display case directly next to him and sent dozens of tiny individual shards in all directions. Some of it had ended up in Palermo's face and eyes. The skin around his sockets was completely bloody, and it was evident that this would have a lasting impact.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Tokyo called for help once more, urging the others to move faster. Vienna grabbed a blade that had been holstered to her thigh. Dropping his hand, she managed to lean over and cut a strip of patterned fabric from the thick curtains covering the second-floor windows. She had the other woman support his head as she tied the makeshift blindfold around his injured eyes.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Denver came running around the corner, pushing a wooden book cart from the library at full speed. After lifting their incapacitated leader onto the provisional stretcher, Denver, Tokyo, Vienna, and Stockholm made the journey back to the library in record time. The man kept a vice-like grip on his friend's hand as if she were his single lifeline. The others yelled for the blindfolded hostages to move out of the way, Bogotá pushing them roughly to the side.

⠀⠀⠀⠀"Painkillers!" Vienna ordered, coming to a stop with the cart. He grunted in pain, his body shifting as he tried to keep it together. Based on experience in the field and by Palermo's body language, she knew that the adrenaline that had been keeping the immense pain at bay was wearing off and quickly.

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