iii. everything to lose

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⠀⠀⠀⠀The smoke gradually dissipated, allowing for a more clear view of the disarray in the lobby. The hostages cowered together on the side of the room furthest from the explosions. A few panicked cries could still be heard as they hesitantly clambered to their feet, keeping close to one another for support—both physical and moral.

⠀⠀⠀⠀"They're attacking the bank," Palermo declared, beginning the next step of the plan. "The bank is under attack!" His voice was louder now, ensuring that he could be heard over the panic of the hostages behind him. "Seal off the building," he said into his radio, orders backgrounded by more cries from the hostages. "I repeat, seal off the building."

⠀⠀⠀⠀The voice of César Gandía responded, giving the final order for the bank's doors to be sealed and a code red to be initiated. The crew knew exactly who Gandía was. As the Head of Security of the Bank of Spain, he was considered one of the crew's biggest threats. In fact, many years ago, Palermo had spent many months investigating the man's background once Berlin declared the man a problem that would need to be dealt with.

⠀⠀⠀⠀Denver and Kyoto stood in front of the metal doors, closing them off from the outside. The pair looked upon the chaos they had created with smirks on their faces until all they stared at was metal. The middle section of the Bank of Spain, the portion the crew focused on, was completely reinforced by concrete walls and thick steel sheets. From the outside, it was the equivalent of a giant safe. From the inside, it was impenetrable. The two shared confident grins once they were completely sealed in.

⠀⠀⠀⠀With a code red activated, no one would be allowed in or out of the bank for one hour. During this time, the group would have manage to get their hands on a crucial piece of plan: the governor of the Bank of Spain. Only with him at their disposal could stage two begin. The Professor had given Tokyo and Nairobi the task of securing the governor and told Vienna to provide backup if needed. Aiding in the first portion of the heist was necessary in completing the rescue mission.

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