Chapter 1

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Ace's POV

The night started and I felt myself come alive like every night for 54 years, happens every night since Ahkmenrah got here. Thinking about it makes me feel old, well I am, I died 3000+ years ago but I'm in my 20 year old body.

I stretched and heard my crew cheer for some odd reason. Every night when we awaken they cheer, I guess it's to celebrate another night of being 'alive'.

My right hand man Henry came up to my side, "You okay, Captain?"

"Aye mate, I'm fine" I turned to him smiling a little before turning around and walking off my ship, The Pearl Dragon, I said hello to the rest of my crew then left my Exhibit.

I walked down the hallway a little when I made it to the Egyptian Exhibit, I walked inside and nodded towards the two Jackals. The Jackals nodded back towards me and allowed me to go towards their Pharaoh.

I sat down beside his Sarcophagus sighing, I lent my head against it and tapped with my knuckle so he knows I'm here.

"Hello mate" I smiled when I heard a tap signalling he said hello back.

"Do you want another story about my time at sea again tonight?" I heard a tap so I started off telling another story to him like I've done the past 54 years.

I made a promise to him back then that I'd get him out of his Sarcophagus one day and I've never gone back on them words. Every night I try to steal the night guards keys, I mean seriously I'm a pirate who used to steal everything I wanted until I met a certain someone that showed me it wasn't the way but these three night guards are harder to get past.

As I was coming to the end of my tale I heard someone coming into Ahkmenrahs Exhibit so I stood up quickly and took out my sword in case it was them three night guards again. I promised Ahk I would never let them near him no matter what.

I noticed Teddy and some other man with a night guard outfit on but I didn't recognize him but I was still weary about him.

"You can lower your sword, Captain" Teddy smiled at me.

I put away my sword as I walked over to Teddy and shook his hand quickly before moving away and standing in front of the new night guard in case he tried anything.

"Captain this here is Larry Daley, the new night guard, Larry this is Captain Ace Ryker" Teddy introduced us, I shook his hand and smirked.

"Firm handshake I see, I warn ye now Larry Daley that if ye try anything that involves Ahkmenrah I won't hesitate to skin ye alive. I'm the only one who keeps him company and we're good friends so I'd avoid it matey" he nodded quickly and jumped when Ahk started screaming and shouting.

He shook his Sarcophagus, I could tell he wanted to know what was going on and to know I was still close to him. He carried on shouting even when Teddy and Larry made there way over to him.

"Yell all you want, Pharaoh. You've been in there 54 years. You're not getting out tonight" Teddy spoke to Ahk with a stern voice, I glared at him.

He pointed up towards Ahk's tablet "There's the source of all this commotion. The Tablet of Ahkmenrah. Arrived here in 1952 from the Nile expedition. On that night, everything in this museum came to life."

"And every night since. Yet Ahkmenrah has never been aloud out of his Sarcophagus which I find unfair and I'm a pirate for crying out loud" I spoke glaring at Teddy.

Larry looked at us confused "So everything in the museum comes to life every night?"

"Exactly" Teddy spoke.

"And I'm supposed to do what?" Asked Larry.

"Your the night watchman, Lawrence. A venerable position in this institution" Teddy said to him, there was a pause before Teddy starting shouting making Larry shout. I snickered knowing Teddy was playing around with him, Ahk had stopped screaming by now to what I'm guessing is to listen in on the conversation, Teddy patted Larry's arm.

"Come on, lad" Teddy told Larry.

"All right. Okay. This is impossible" "Larry replied to Teddy. I took out my sword and threw it at them, it went between them and landed in the wall. Larry gasped and held his chest looking back at me, I flashed him my famous smirk then walked to them to retrieve my sword. I pulled it out the wall and put it back away. Larry still looked at me shocked

"Larry Daley, what do ye think about Ahkmenrah being trapped?" I asked Larry as I walked back over to Ahk's Sarcophagus.

"Isn't he dangerous? That's why he's locked up right?" His response angered me. I put my hands on the bit of the Sarcophagus that was showing and sighed.

"Ahkmenrah is not dangerous! He was an amazing and kind ruler before his death. He was one of the best maybe even the only best depending on how you feel about other Pharaoh's. He should not be trapped" I told them, Teddy sighed.

"Ace you know we can't let him out" Teddy said.

"His tablet is the thing that brings us all to life Teddy! He should get to experience it as well! I am forever in his debt for letting me have another go at life even if it is stuck in a museum. Ye should all be thankful!" I growled out at them turning around.

"Calm yourself Captain!" Teddy said to me in a stern voice, Larry looked awkward standing there next to Teddy listening to us argue.

"Don't tell me to calm myself when yer the one that can't even build up a little courage to speak to the woman you love.." I seethed out at him.

"Enough Captain!" Teddy raised his voice. I heard tapping from the Sarcophagus, most likely Ahk telling me to calm down, I sighed and calmed myself down as Teddy spoke to Larry about the two Jackals guarding Ahk.

"Larry.." I shouted over my shoulder.

"Yes?" He turned around and looked me in the eyes, I smirked.

"I swear on me life that I will have him freed one day, with or without ye help, so watch yeself" I heard tapping again but ignored it. Larry nodded and rushed out of the room with Teddy. I sighed again and turned to face Ahk.

"Oh how I wish I could hug ye right now.." I smiled down at the Sarcophagus, I heard tapping.

"Dawn's almost here I need to go and make sure me Crew are in their places.. I miss ye Ahk.." I put my head against the glass before standing up. I tapped on his Sarcophagus signalling goodbye, he tapped back.

I walked away smiling, "See you tonight Ahk!"

I walked down the hallway and walked into my Exhibit to see my crew messing around, I stared at them dumbfoundly "Me hearties! What are ye all still doing messing around when Dawn is around the corner?!" They all stopped messing around and gasped.

"Captain!?" They all shouted at once, really loud may I add and I'm pretty sure the whole museum heard them.

"Get in ye positions my Crew!" I shouted.

I ran up to the top of my ship and watched as my crew got into place, once they was I got into place myself. Dawn appeared and I could feel myself freezing with one last thought going through my mind.

Good Morning My Love

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