Chapter 2

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Ace's POV

I felt myself unfreeze and sighed, another night without him in my arms. I walked off my ship and said hello to my crew then walked out of my exhibit to the Egyptian exhibit.

I nodded my head to the jackals and they nodded back allowing me to their Pharaoh again like they have for the past 54 years. I sat down next to the sarcophagus and tapped on it with my hook.

"Hey Ahk" I said smiling. I heard tapping.

"Another story?" I asked. I heard more tapping so I started my story, honestly I don't know how I haven't run out of stories but I suppose I have been alive for a long time.

As I finished my story I heard chirping coming from Dexter, it sounded like he had keys in his hand. I gasped and stood up quickly knowing he's stole the new night guards keys.

"Ahk I'll be back, I need to go see something" I said to him, he started banging on his sarcophagus and shouting.

"Ahk calm down! I'll be right back I promise Darlin" He stopped for a few seconds and it seems like he was thinking but then started banging and shouting again once he heard me running.

I sighed and ran down the hallway only to run into Dexter, I stopped running.

"Dexter? Hey Dexter come here" he stopped and looked at my hand before using it to climb onto my shoulder, kind of reminds me of a parrot funny enough.

"Hey Dex, can I see those keys a second? I promise you can have them back I just need to check something" he started chirping and put the keys in my hand.

"Thanks Dex" I scratched under his chin to show he's been a good boy. I smirked and looked at the keys, there was one key that was golden with an Ankh on it so I immediately knew that was the Egyptian exhibit key. I unhooked it from the rest and then handed them to Dexter.

"Thank you Dexter, you have been a big help tonight" I scratched under his chin again and he nuzzled my cheek with his head before jumping down off my shoulder onto another exhibit when Larry came around the corner with something white all over his mouth and his collar, looks like the fire extinguisher foam, oh well I don't care all I care about right now is getting Ahk out.

Larry and Dexter started arguing so I stayed because it was funny, they started smacking each other across the face and I started giggling. Teddy showed up behind us with his horse Tex so I hid the key I had in my hand in my red jackets pocket.

"Good Lord, Lawrence! Why are you slapping a monkey?" He asked sternly.

"Teddy, this guy's been pushing me and pushing me and I'm sick of it!" Larry told Teddy sounding like he was on the verge of tears whilst spitting the foam everywhere, Teddy started walking over to Dexter and Larry.

"Poppycock. This little creature is your primate brother. Without him, there's no us." Teddy looked at Larry's face shocked.

"Are you rabid?" He handed Larry a handkerchief.

"Wipe that off." Larry took ahold of the handkerchief and started wiping his face slowly.

"You have to deal with this creature with love and respect. May I have the keys, dear friend?" Teddy told Larry before turning to Dexter. Dexter handed him the keys.

"Thank you. Lawrence?" Larry looked on the verge of tears and I kinda felt bad for him, only a little bit though. Teddy held the keys out to him and Larry took them.

"Well, you know what? You seem to know what you doing, Teddy, so I'm gonna let you take over." Larry handed the keys back over to Teddy and I decided to leave as it was getting boring.

I started off walking but ended up running back to the Egyptian exhibit only to hear Ahk still shouting and banging on his sarcophagus. I hooked my hook onto the belt of my pants before tapping on his sarcophagus.

"Ahk? I'm here Ahk don't worry! I promised I'd be back didn't I?" He tapped letting me know he said yes.

"Hey guess what?"  I asked him, he tapped.

"I got the Egyptian exhibit key, there was loads of keys but it was so easy to find seen as it had the Ankh symbol on it and I remember ye telling me about it." He started banging on the sarcophagus again, I swear he's gonna break it himself if he carries on.

"Sunrise is coming soon Ahk, I must go but I promise on me life that I will free ye tomorrow night..." He stopped banging and tapped to me.

"I know ye don't want me to leave, I don't want to leave either but we both know what happens when an exhibit doesn't return before sunrise" I sighed and put my head against the glass.

"I'll see you soon, My Darlin.. I promise..." I stood up and kissed my fingers then placed them on his sarcophagus before walking away.

I walked down the hallway into my exhibit to see my crew not in place again.

"Seriously!" I shouted.

"Captain!!" They all shouted and I'm pretty sure the whole museum heard them again. I sighed and walked up onto my ship.

"Sunrise is around the corner ye scallywags! How many times must I tell ye to get into place?" I mean seriously we all get this weird feeling, almost like electricity running through you, that warns us about sunrise so they should be used to it by now.

They all seemed upset about me calling them scallywags but oh well, they'll get over it.

They all ran into their places whilst shouting at each other whilst all I thought about as sunrise came and I froze with the rest of my crew.

Good morning my love, I'll see you soon.

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