Chapter 3

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Ace's POV

I unfroze like normal but tonight felt different, I felt my jacket pocket to find the Egyptian exhibit key still there so that wasn't the problem, I looked at my crew to find them all still there so that weren't the problem either.

I heard a commotion down the hallway near the Egyptian exhibit so I ran off my ship, I ran out my exhibit door then stopped outside of it after seeing my crew run after me.

"Stay where you are! I'll shout for you if I need you" I shouted so they'd all hear me.

"Yes Captain!" I heard them shout back as I ran off down the hallway to the Egyptian exhibit. I ran into Gus, Cecil and Reginald walking out of the exhibit.

"Guys?" I asked confused once I saw the tablet in Cecil's arms.

"Ace? What are you doing here my boy?" Cecil asked me with a smirk.

"I should be asking the same thing to you and why do you have Ahk's tablet?" I asked glaring as I pulled my sword out and pointed at them. I heard someone let out a quiet 'wow' from Ahk's exhibit.

I saw a small boy with Larry at the gate of the Egyptian exhibit but whilst I was distracted Reginald knocked my sword out of my hand and Gus punched me in the jaw.

I gasped as I moved sideways holding my jaw, I felt someone grab me by the back of my jacket so I pulled the key out of my pocket then pulled my arms out of it.

I went to grab the tablet from Cecil but all three of them blocked me, the Egyptian exhibit doors where now open again and Cecil pushed me in as Gus punched me in and Reginald kicked me in.

I fell to the floor with key clutched in my hand tightly not for a second letting it slip. I wouldn't allow Ahk to stay in his sarcophagus any longer even if it meant my life would end.

They closed the gate and locked it again, I looked up to see Larry and the boy with him running over to me. Larry helped me up and handed me a handkerchief for my bust lip.

"Thank you Larry" I said as I held it to my lip.

"No problem Ace, this here is my Son Nick" he gestured towards the boy next to him who was smiling up at me

"Hello mate" I smiled down at him and held my hand out, instead of taking it he hugged me. I was shocked for a few seconds then hugged back after hearing Larry shouting for Teddy.

"What was that for?" I asked Nick as he let go of me.

"I don't know honestly but I've read about you and your really cool!" Nick beamed up at me, I grinned back at him.

"Thank you" I said to him. Teddy showed up at the gates on Tex.

"Someone call my name?" He asked. Nicky looked up at him shocked much like he did we me.

"Woah" he let out.

"Theodore Roosevelt, at your service" he tipped his hat towards Nicky who smiled.

"Teddy, can you get us out of here?" Larry asked him.

"Can't do it, man. This is your moment" Teddy smiled down at Larry.

"Will you save the lectures, please? I'm not you. Okay? I didn't build the Panama Canal, I wasn't president of the United States! I need some help. Come on" Larry told Teddy, Teddy took off his glasses.

"Actually... I never did any of those things. Teddy Roosevelt did. I was made in a mannequin factory in Poughkeepsie" Teddy stated to Larry.

"I never shot a wild beast. I'm not even brave enough to tell that beautiful woman I love her. But you, you gotta finish the job this time. You can't quit" Teddy said to him.

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