Chapter 19: my first step outside

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Thats what are in front of me right now.

But they aren't just any ordinary doors, they are the doors to the outside world.

They are the only thing between me and freedom.

Percy grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

I smile to myself and silently push the doors open and take a deep breath of the fresh air.

Man I've missed this.

The only time i would get fresh air was when me and percy would go up to the roof.

"Sweetie!! Oh hunny bunny!" My mom screams in joy before running up to me and crushing me with a hug.

I pat her back awkwardly before turning around to give prim a big hug.

Sadly she has to stay here for a bit longer. Im glad she will be safe here but we need each other.

"I will visit all the time okay?"

She nods sadly and kisses me on the cheek.

I thank Naomi for everything and then head out to my vehicle.

My mom slightly tugs me away from Percy and i look at her in question.

"We need to go home." Is all she says.

What happened to the perky happy mom that welcomed me a second ago?

I look back at percy to see him being dragged away and pushed into his car.

I rip away from my mom and run over to him. "Percy you never gave me your phone number!"

He looks at me with a sad smile through the open window.

"Thats because i don't have one. But Luna trust me we will figure something out okay? Dont worry. I lo-

Before he finishes his dad starts the engine and speeds off.

"PERCY!" I yell.

I fall to my knees and laugh to myself.

How could i have thought my life would get better after this?

My life is one big pile of shit and thats how its always going to be.

"Hun, i dont trust that boy." My mom mumbles.

"Yeah well, you dont have to because he isnt YOUR boyfriend. Hes mine."


I know this is super short BUT this needed to end here i think!

I am SO SORRY for not updating sooner! I have just been so busy with everything like applying for university and school and tests and personal problems and friggin grade 12! But i am going to try harder to update faster!

I hope you liked this chapter at least! Even if it is unbelievably short. 🙈

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